400 West King Street, Suite 300 ● Carson City, Nevada 89703
775-684-4000 ● Fax 775-684-4010 ● dhhs.nv.gov
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Joe Lombardo
Helping people. It’s who we are and what we do.
Richard Whitley, MS
February 15, 2024
Brenda Erdoes, Director
Legislative Counsel Bureau
401 South Carson Street
Carson City, Nevada 89701
Dear Director Erdoes,
Nevada Revised Statutes (NRS) 239.014 requires the Department to prepare a report that provides a detailed description
of each record or portion of a record determined to be confidential and an explanation for that determination.
Please find the Nevada Department of Health and Human Services report attached with information from the
Department’s five Divisions: Aging and Disability Services, Child and Family Services, Health Care Financing and Policy,
Public and Behavioral Health and Welfare and Supportive Services.
Richard Whitley, MS
Director, Department of Healht and Human Services
Report Regarding Confidential Records Containing Personally Identifiable Information
Submitted Pursuant to NRS 239.014
Submit Report electronically to [email protected]ate.nv.us
Reporting Agency: Department of Health and Human Services, Director’s Office
Reporting Period: 2024
Description of Records Determined to be Confidential
Reason for Determination of Confidentiality
HR Advantage/ NEATS
Contains Employee PII; NAC 284.718
9 of all fund recipients receiving over $600, Council
Contact Information Sheets, Media Consent Forms -
Names, Address, Phone Number, SSN
Information contains Personally Identifiable Information
Criminal History Repository
This is a dataset provided by DPS.
This contains PII and CJIS data.
Overdose Reporting Data (441a)
This dataset collects information on Overdoses in real time from facilities and
includes PII.
Report Regarding Confidential Records Containing Personally Identifiable Information
Submitted Pursuant to NRS 239.014
Submit Report electronically to [email protected]ate.nv.us
Reporting Agency: Department of Health and Human Services, Aging and Disability Services Division (ADSD)
Reporting Period: 2024
Description of Records Determined to be Confidential
Reason for Determination of Confidentiality
Master Client Index (MCI)
automated data extract
from the Wellsky Human Services and Aging and
Disability Applications to the MCI system
HITECH, NRS 603A. This is the Master Client Index for DHHS agencies to
identify consumers shared across DHHS programs. Contains sensitive data.
Nevada Care Connection
Public Facing Website
Vendor hosted Training and Education website open to
State staff as well as the public, contains user first, last name and email address.
Contains sensitive data.
Wellsky Human Services Application
HITECH, NRS 603A, ADSD Vendor hosted Case Management System,
contains sensitive data (user, provider, guardian and consumer demographic data,
insurance, Medicaid eligibility, service delivery, billing data, first name, last name,
dob, SS#, diagnosis, insurance information, claims data, etc.). This system is used for
case management, Serious Occurrence Reporting (SOR) as well as logging, tracking,
documenting and investigating Adult Protective Services (APS) reports.
Wellsky Human Services Serious Occurrence (SOR) Web
Vendor hosted public facing website used for Serious
Occurrence Reporting (SOR) reports filed online interface into ADSD’s Human
Services and Aging and Disability applications. Contains sensitive data (user,
provider, and consumer demographic data, insurance data, first name, last name,
dob, SS#, insurance ID, Medicaid #, etc.)
Wellsky Human Services Assess my Needs (Level 1)
Web Form
Vendor hosted public facing website consumer tool
used for assessing a consumer needs and agency referrals, contains sensitive data
(user, guardian and consumer demographic data, first name, last name, age, SS#,
insurance ID, Medicaid #, etc.)
Wellsky Ombudsman Application
Vendor hosted ADSD system for logging complaints and
investigations for consumers in long term care facilities – Contains sensitive data
(user, provider, and consumer demographic data, insurance data, first name, last
name, dob, SS#, insurance ID, Medicaid #, etc.)
Wellsky Aging and Disability Application
Vendor hosted ADSD Case Management System,
contains sensitive data (user, provider, guardian, consumer demographic,
insurance, service delivery, billing data, first name, last name, dob, SS#, diagnosis,
insurance information, billing information, claims data, etc.)
Wellsky Aging and Disability IE Utility
Vendor hosted utility used to transmit data uploads
from My Senior Center into the Aging and Disability application, contains sensitive
data (user, provider, guardian, consumer demographic, insurance, service delivery
data, first name, last name, dob, SS#, diagnosis, insurance information, etc.)
Wellsky Salesforce Application
Vendor hosted
helpdesk ticket application
, contains
sensitive data (user, provider, guardian, consumer demographic, insurance, service
delivery, billing data, first name, last name, dob, SS#, diagnosis, insurance
information, billing information, claims data, etc.)
Wellsky FTP Site
Vendor hosted FTP site to transfer billing, insurance,
eligibility and other consumer, user, provider information into the Human Services
and Aging and Disability applications, contains sensitive data (user, provider,
guardian and consumer demographic data, insurance, Medicaid eligibility, service
delivery, billing data, first name, last name, dob, SS#, diagnosis, insurance
information, claims data, etc.)
Wellsky HAR Reporting
Vendor hosted Sharepoint library used for ADSD reports
development for all areas of the Human Services application. Hosted reports
contains sensitive data (user, provider, guardian and consumer demographic data,
insurance, Medicaid eligibility, service delivery, billing data, first name, last name,
dob, SS#, diagnosis, insurance information, claims data, etc.)
Wellsky Aging and Disability HAR Reporting
Vendor hosted Sharepoint library used for ADSD reports
development for all areas of the Human Services application. Hosted reports
contains sensitive data (user, provider, guardian and consumer demographic data,
insurance, Medicaid eligibility, service delivery, billing data, first name, last name,
dob, SS#, diagnosis, insurance information, claims data, etc.)
ADSD Reporting Server
ADSD internal reporting server which contains copies of
ADSD’s critical applications for reporting and data analytics, contains sensitive data
(user, provider, guardian and consumer demographic data, insurance, Medicaid
eligibility, service delivery, billing data, first name, last name, dob, SS#, diagnosis,
insurance information, claims data, etc.)
Certemy Interpreter Registry
Licensing management solution used to allow
interpreters in the State of NV to register. Contains licensed individual information,
staff information and license information for registered interpreters.
eMD’s Lytec MD (3
databases Reno, Las Vegas, Elko)
ADSD Case Management System,
contains sensitive
data (user, provider, guardian and consumer demographic data, insurance,
Medicaid eligibility, service delivery, billing data, first name, last name, dob, SS#,
diagnosis, insurance information, claims data, etc.)
eMD’s Lytec BS (3
databases Reno, Las, Elko)
ADSD Case Management System,
contains sensitive
data (user, provider, guardian, consumer demographic data, insurance, service
delivery and billing data, first name, last name, dob, SS#, diagnosis, insurance ID,
Senior Rx Application
ADSD Case Management System,
contains sensitive
data: user, provider, guardian and consumer demographic, insurance, service
delivery and billing data (first name, last name, dob, SS#, insurance ID, etc.)
ADSD and IDEA Part C Program Case Management
System, contains sensitive data: user, provider, guardian and consumer
demographic, insurance, service delivery and billing data (first name, last name,
dob, SS#, insurance ID, etc.)
ADSD Constituent Tracking System
ADSD database for collecting information, inquiries, and
complaints from constituents, may contain sensitive data.
SHIP Database
SHIP program logs calls to their program and they
collect user first name, last name and include contact information for providers.
OCHA Database
Intake, Referral, Complaint and Investigation Database
which contains consumer, provider, billing, insurance and demographic data for
both consumers, users and providers.
DSNOW Application
ADS retired Case Management System,
sensitive data (user, provider, guardian and consumer demographic data,
insurance, Medicaid eligibility, service delivery, billing data, first name, last name,
dob, SS#, diagnosis, insurance information, claims data, etc.)
Utility to read 835 response files from NV Medicaid
which contain sensitive data (consumer demographic, billing, service delivery,
insurance and claims data)
Utility to read 835 response files from NV Medicaid
which contain sensitive data (consumer demographic, billing, service delivery,
insurance and claims data)
Utility to read 835 response files from NV Medicaid
which contain sensitive data (consumer demographic, billing, service delivery,
insurance and claims data)
HR Advantage/NEATS/SMART 21
Contains sensitive data. Employee PII; NAC 284.718
Electronic Health Record system. Contains sensitive
data (user, provider, guardian and consumer demographic data, service delivery,
first name, last name, dob, SS#, diagnosis, nursing care plan, etc.)
Metabolic Pro
Vendor supported application used to complete a
comprehensive nutrition analysis for consumers with specific metabolic diagnosis.
Collects sensitive data (dob only).
Nutritionist Pro
Vendor supported application used to complete a
comprehensive nutrition analysis. Collects sensitive data (user first name, last
name, and consumer first name, last name, and dob).
Electronic Health Record system. Contains sensitive
data (user, provider, guardian and consumer demographic data, service delivery,
first name, last name, dob, SS#, diagnosis, nursing care plan, etc.)
Vendor supported electronic document signing.
Documents may contain sensitive data (user, provider, guardian and consumer
demographic data, service delivery, first name, last name, dob, SS#, diagnosis,
nursing care plan, etc.)
Report Regarding Confidential Records Containing Personally Identifiable Information
Submitted Pursuant to NRS 239.014
Submit Report electronically to [email protected]ate.nv.us
Reporting Agency: Department of Health and Human Services, Division of Child and Family Services (DCFS)
Reporting Period: 2024
Description of Records Determined to be Confidential
Reason for Determination of Confidentiality
Nevada Information Technology for Youth
(UNITY) documents include Coolgen and Cognos
NRS 432B.280, NRS 242.105
myAvatar: HIPPA compliant medical records and biling
information system utilized by the DCFS children’s
mental health program
NRS 433A.360, NRS 242.105
Tyler Supervision
NRS 62H.025, NRS 242.105
HR Advantage/NEATS
Contains Employee PII; NAC 284.718
Confidential Address Programs Drive
NRS 217.462, NRS 217.464
Victims of Crime Compensation Claim information
NRS 217.105, Federal
Register 66 FR 27158 Victims of Crime Act
Report Regarding Confidential Records Containing Personally Identifiable Information
Submitted Pursuant to NRS 239.014
Submit Report electronically to [email protected]ate.nv.us
Reporting Agency: Department of Health and Human Services, Division of Healthcare Financing and Policy (DHCFP)
Reporting Period: 2024
Description of Records Determined to be Confidential
Reason for Determination of Confidentiality
Medicaid Recipient Information
any record including
but not limited to those tied to the name, date of birth,
social security number, care, diagnosis, home address,
account number, disability code, or claims of individual
recipients (see 45 CFR 160, 162, and 164)
HIPAA Privacy Laws
45 CFR 160, 162, and 164
Employee Records
any record including but not
limited to those tied to the name, date of birth, social
security number, employee performance, employee
conduct/discipline, usage of leave, identity information,
disability, telephone number, grievance information,
complaints, certain requests, health/medical
information, and workers compensation (see NAC
NAC 284.718
Medicaid Provider Information
any record including
but not limited to those tied to the name, Medicaid
Provider ID, NPI, FEIN, patient information – name,
address, date of birth, date of death, dates of service,
payment information, telephone numbers (see 45 CFR
160, 162, and 164)
HIPAA Privacy Laws
45 CFR 160, 162, and 164
MMIS Issue Tracker (MIT)
Recipient data
HIPAA Privacy Laws
45 CFR 160, 162, and 164
Nevada CheckUp application (NCU)
Nevada CheckUp
recipient and premium information. (ePHI)
HIPAA Privacy Laws
45 CFR 160, 162, and 164
Managed Medicaid Information System (MMIS)
Medicaid recipient claims and rebate information.
HIPAA Privacy Laws
45 CFR 160, 162, and 164
Magellan Pharmacy Benefits Manager (PBM)
Pharmacy claims and rebate information. (ePHI)
HIPAA Privacy Laws
45 CFR 160, 162, and 164
Document imaging/Case Management and
record retention (ePHI)
HIPAA Privacy Laws
45 CFR 160, 162, and 164
Aithent database
Provider Database (ePHI)
HIPAA Privacy Laws
45 CFR 160, 162, and 164
Office 365
Document repository, email, chat,
recordings (ePHI)
HIPAA Privacy Laws
45 CFR 160, 162, and 164
Adobe Sign
Various records with digital signature
HIPAA Privacy Laws
45 CFR 160, 162, and 164
Help desk ticketing system. Potential for PII in
some tickets. (PII)
NAC 284.718
Hearings Database (ePHI)
HIPAA Privacy Laws
45 CFR 160, 162, and 164
Katie Beckett Database (ePHI)
HIPAA Privacy Laws
45 CFR 160, 162, and 164
SUR Database (ePHI)
HIPAA Privacy Laws
45 CFR 160, 162, and 164
Comagine/NHQR Database (ePHI)
HIPAA Privacy Laws
45 CFR 160, 162, and 164
Hospital Billing Data (previously referred to as CHIA)
Identifiable hospital billing data reportable pursuant to NRS 449.485. Contains PII
and PHI. HIPAA Privacy Laws
Report Regarding Confidential Records Containing Personally Identifiable Information
Submitted Pursuant to NRS 239.014
Submit Report electronically to [email protected]ate.nv.us
Reporting Agency: Department of Health and Human Services, Division of Public and Behavioral Health (DPBH)
Reporting Period: 2024
Description of Records Determined to be Confidential
Reason for Determination of Confidentiality
Owned by the State Controller’s Office. Primarily used for purchasing however
people with appropriate permissions can access payroll information. NAC 284.718
Database used by the payroll clerks to track payroll information. The alchemy
database includes PII of DPBH employees. Owned by Payroll.
Amicus Attorney
Used by the public defender’s office. It contains PII related to court cases.
Database used by the Ryan White program that was replaced by CareWare.
Contains PII and PHI.
ASPEN application used by HCQC, but hosted by the Federal Gov’t; This database
contains PII of inspectors and patients when necessary.
Avatar or Electronic Medical Records System
Avatar is an application hosted by Netsmart, used by NNAMHS, SNAMHS and SAPTA
staff. The database contains PII and PHI of the patients.
Behavioral Risk Factor Surveillance System or BRFSS
BRFSS is an application hosted by the CDC. We submit data that would be
considered PII and PHI for CDC purposes.
BLC (HCQC) Facilities Database
This contains licenses of Healthcare facilities. It is believed it contains PII of license
holders although this may be public record.
Cancer Registry Plus suite: WebPlus, eMarc, CRSPlus
and PrepPlus
Cancer Registry Plus suite hosted by the CDC and used by Cancer Registry Program;
The database contains PII and PHI of the patients.
Cancer Screening and Tracking System or CaST
CaST application used by WHC staff, this database contains PII and PHI of patients
CareWare is an EMR used by the Ryan White program to monitor HIV care. This
program contains PII and PHI of patients.
CLICS Database or The Centralized Licensing Inspection
and Complaint System
The CLICS database contains information on facility inspections by HCQC, Radiation
Control, and EHS programs. This database contains PII of inspectors and patients
when necessary
Covid Trace App
App developed to notify people if they have been in contact with a covid positive
person. The database contains potential PII and PHI.
Criminal History Repository
This is a data set provided by DPS. This contains PII and CJIS data.
Deloitte Disease Tracing
This application is no longer in use however we have the data stored internally that
contains PII and PHI.
Electronic Birth Records System or EBRS
Vital record system that contains PII and potentially PHI about people born in
Electronic Death Records System or EDRS
Vital record system that contains PII and potentially PHI about people who have
died in Nevada
Enhanced HIV/AIDS Reporting System or EHars
EHars is an
application hosted by the CDC. We submit data that would be
considered PII and PHI for CDC purposes.
Electronic Medication Administration Record or EMAR
A report pulled from Avatar although all of our hospitals keep an updated local
copy. Contains both PHI and PII for our clients.
Electronic Patient Care Reports or Elite
Elite application hosted by ImageTrend and used by EMS staff. This database
contains PII and PHI of the patients.
Online authentication tool used by the Epitrax application. This may contain state
employee PII.
This application hosted by DPBH and used by DP&I
OPHIE program. The database
contains PII and PHI of the patients.
Database that contains Birth and Death certificates which include PII and potentially
Program used to create 7 day MAR reports for the NNAMHS pharmacy. Recently
NNAMHS moved to using RXConnect through Avatar however Infomaker reports
contained PII and PHI.
Insight is hosted by Netsmart and used by the
Community Health Nursing Program
in the Rurals. This database contains PII and PHI of the patients.
Intermedix or WebCur
Online storage for patient billing information. Probably contains PII and PHI.
LabCorp Beacon
Website owned by LabCorp. Used by the labs at our medical facilities to report and
access client PHI and PII.
State Online Application System (SOAP or Licensure) by
Training application used by EMS to track applications and completion of people
needing to certify for their licenses. This application includes PII.
Marriage and Divorce Vital Records
This application hosted by PBH Contractor; the database contains PII.
Master Client Index or MCI
A repository under development by DHHS to match clients between different
databases and applications. This database contains PII and PHI.
Medication Management or MMO
MMO is a system within Avatar that replaced WORX. This application contains
prescription information for patients in Avatar and contains PII and PHI.
Medical Marijuana Registry or MMP
This application used by Medical Marijuana Program, the database contains PII and
PHI of the patients.
Nevada’s Automated Background Check System or
Background check application tied into local systems, such as Aspen as well as state
and federal registries. This contains PII of people being checked.
Nevada Electronic Review Database System or NERDS
This application hosted by Gnomon, Inc and used by OPHIE program. The database
contains PII and PHI of the patients
Nevada Health Information Provider Performance
System or NHIPSS
This application hosted by Mitra Consulting Group LLC and used by SAPTA. The
database contains PII and PHI of the patients.
Nevada Medicaid Site
Owned by DHCFP this site contains provider billing and PII.
Nevada Operations of Multi
Automated Data Systems
Application run through Welfare. This application contains PII of clients within the
welfare system.
Early Hearing Detection Intervention or EHDI
Vital Record system that contain PHI and PII
about newborn hearing statistics.
Nedss Base System or NBS surveillance system
This application hosted by Inductive Health and used by DP&I
OPHIE program. The
database contains PII and PHI of the patients.
Licensing Management System or LMS
EMS software that contains PII of people applying for testing.
Low Income Health Tracking System or NEV LIHTS
This application is used by Women’s Health Connection. The database contains PII
and PHI of the patients
Office for Consumer Health Assistance or OCHA
This OCHA DB is a case management system MS Access DB used by the Office for
Consumer Health Assistance staff. The database contains PII and PHI of the
This application developed by vendor and used for HIV and OPHIE. The database
contains PII and PHI of the patients.
Community Health Services and Public Health Clinics electronic health record. This
system contains PII of it’s clients.
Database that keeps track of food service permits given out by our health
inspectors. May contain PII.
Pharmacy Medication Dispensing or PYXIS
This application hosted by CareFusion, the interface is in NetsmartCloud; used by
the Pharmacy. The database contains PII and PHI of the patients.
This application hosted by the CDC and used by Cancer Program; they submit data
that would be considered PII and PHI for CDC purposes.
Psychological testing software that can save results. Users are told not to use client
names but could still contain PII.
HCQC database that connects to Aspen. This contains PII.
Software used by accounting departments at our hospitals. QuickBooks files may
include PII of our employees.
Research Electronic Data Capture or RedCap
This application was
created at Vandervbilt University and used by DP&I
BCFCW program. The database contains PII and PHI of patients.
Vital Records System, WEVRRS or VRS
VRS is hosted by Netsmart and used by Vital Records Program. The database
contains PII and PHI for providers and patients.
This application was developed by DOIT for BHPS Radiology section to track the
licenses. The database contains PII and PHI of the patients. Not being used.
This application was given to the RCP Program from another state. The database
contains PII and PHI of the patients. Not being used.
Research Electronic Data Capture or RedCap
Used to keep track of home visiting and reporting. RedCap has also been expanded
to include disease tracing information this contains PII and PHI of clients, patients,
and employees.
This application hosted by SRA International, Inc. and used to move ELR labs from
SFTP site to NBS, NERDS and HHLPSS applications. The database contains PII and
PHI of the patients.
This application hosted by Netsmart and used by Inpatient Pharmacy. The database
contains PII and PHI of the patients.
Sexually Transmitted Disease Management System or
Application owned by the CDC and used to transmit data on STDs to the CDC. This
application contains patient PHI and PII.
This application hosted by QS/1 and used by Outpatient Pharmacy. The database
contains PII and PHI of the patients.
State and Territorial Exchange of Vital Events or STEVE
Program used to transfer birth and death information between states. Contains PII
and potentially PHI.
Synar Database
This is a database of businesses and people who were cited for selling tobacco to
minors. It contains PII related to all parties involved.
Tobacco Quitline
Database of clients who participate in tobacco cessation programs. This database
may contain PII.
Currently used and owned by ADSD however the Part C program will be moving to
DPBH. This contains patient PII and PHI.
This application used by OIT staff. The database contains PII of the staff
Trauma Registry
This database collects information on traumatic injuries within Nevada. It contains
External service used to contact the public by phone. Twilio contains PII of the
Child care program owned by DCFS but used by HCQC. This contains client PII.
Vaccine Management
This application was used to schedule Covid immunizations and is now being
repurposed for general vaccine scheduling. It contains PII and PHI
Visit Tracker
Database of input by home visitors. This database may contain PII.
This database/application keeps track of the immunization records of people living
within Nevada. It contains PII and PHI.
This application hosed by CDP Inc. and used by state WIC office. The database
contains PII for the users.
Web Infrastructure for Treatment Services or WITS
This application provides an EHR for behavioral health providers and allows them to
meet government reporting requirements. The database contains PII and PHI of the
This application hosted by WellSky and used by Pharmacy. The database contains
PII and PHI of the patients. No longer being used, however is being retained.
Report Regarding Confidential Records Containing Personally Identifiable Information
Submitted Pursuant to NRS 239.014
Submit Report electronically to [email protected]ate.nv.us
Reporting Agency: Department of Health and Human Services, Division of Welfare and Supportive Services (DWSS)
Reporting Period: 2024
Description of Records Determined to be Confidential
Reason for Determination of Confidentiality
NOMADS Eligibility System
Contains PII provided by customer on the application for assistance.
AMPS Eligibility System
Contains PII provided by customer on the application for assistance.
Lobby Traffic Tracking System
Contains PII provided by customer on the application for assistance.
OASIS Employment & Training System
Contains PII provided by customer for employment and training activities.
Automated Rehabilitation
Assistant (SARA)
Web based standalone system that interfaces with OASIS. Contains PII provided by
customer for employment and training activities.
Nevada Child Care System (NCCS)
Contains PII provided by customer on the application for child care assistance.
Access Nevada
Contains PII provided by customer on the application for assistance.
Uptivity Call Copy (Customer Service Unit)
Contains PII provided by customer on the application for assistance.
IEVS/AVS/SAVE/FHUB data sources
These interfaces provide reported customer demographics and PII utilized by the
agency to determine eligibility
Thunderhead Document System
Thunderhead has been replaced with Smart Comm.
Smart Comm
Contains scans of documents completed by the customer and created by other
systems listed containing PII.
Document Imaging System (DIS)
Contains scans of documents completed by the customer and created by other
systems listed containing PII.
Correspondence Management System
Contains scans of documents completed by the customer and created by other
systems listed containing PII.
Electronic Benefit Transfer (EBT) operated by FIS
Contains demographic information (PII) transmitted to FIS as per contract to
provide customers with cash and SNAP benefits electronically (magnetic stripe
Investigation & Recovery Information System (IRIS)
Contains PII from scanned documents from customers who have received overpaid
benefits and are in collections. This system is being phased out.
Pondera (Investigations & Recovery)
Contains PII from the DWSS eligibility systems about customers suspected of fraud
and/or receipt of overpaid benefits.
CLEAR (Investigations & Recovery)
Per contract provided through Child Support, this interface provides publicly
reported customer demographics and PII utilized by investigators and claims to
verify location and identity about customers suspected of fraud.
ANSRS (Child Support Enforcement)
Contains vital stat information for collection of child support.
Ledgers (Child Support Enforcement)
Contains PII provided by customer for collection of child support.
NVKids (Child Support System)
Contains PII provided by customer for collection of child support.
RAPID (Remittance And Payment
(SCADU - check imaging/processing system)
Contains scans of payment documents received by the customer and created by
other systems listed containing PII.
Energy Assistance Program (EAP) System
Contains PII provided by customer on the application for energy assistance.
Contains PII provided by DETR for program participants.
PRISM (Person Search)
Contains PII provided by customer on the application for assistance.
HR Advantage/NEATS
Contains Employee PII.
agent/Customer Portal
Contains customer PII for customer complaint tracking purposes
Personnel Database System (PDS)
Contains Employee PII for tracking purposes.
Q5i (Program/Case Reviews)
Contains PII from public assistance cases.
Reports (SAP)
Internal Access Database contains PII for Reports
QCS (Program/Case Reviews
USDA Database
Contains uploaded PII from public assistance cases to FNS
VQUEST (Quality Control)
This interface provides customer demographics and PII through a DMV portal
utilized by Quality Control to verify location.