October, November, December 2013
Mixing Metaphors:
The Aesthetic, the Social
and the Political in
African American Art
Works from the
Bank of America Collection
Directors Welcome
Dear Friends,
The MFA is taking momentous steps forward, as the
galleries, The Junior League Great Hall, and the Marly
Room emerge renovated and transformed. The MFA
looks – and feels – like a new museum. The spaces, the
colors, the wood floors, the lighting – all enhance the
experience of the magnificent art on view.
This project has encouraged us to take a fresh look at our amazing collection.
Installations have changed dramatically, and, through our restored windows
facing Beach Drive, we are letting the sunshine in and encouraging more
people to visit. We’re mixing and expanding our installations. They encompass
an entire gallery on the arts of Africa, another celebrating ceramics from across
the centuries, and yet another on contemporary media art.
We are also presenting the largest exhibition of African American art in the
Museum’s history. Mixing Metaphors: The Aesthetic, the Social and the Political in
African American Art, Works from the Bank of America Collection, is a gift to the
community. This impressive show spotlights more than 90 works by many of
America’s most significant artists.
Innovation and tradition are hallmarks of the MFA. Longtime supporters and
new friends have made our renovation possible, and as we look to the future,
we honor our past. The windows in the galleries and on the stage of the Marly
Room, for example, realize the vision of the original architect John Volk. So
does The Junior League Great Hall with its light-lled ceiling.
In the coming season of thanksgiving, I want to express gratitude to you, our
members, on behalf of the trustees, staff, and volunteers. The importance of
your support has never been greater. Thank you, too, to those members who
have already made a donation to Annual Giving, which demonstrates your
dedication to our mission.
With the end of the year approaching, I hope those who have not yet given
will do so and I encourage current donors to consider a contribution in honor
of family or friends for the holidays. What better way to care for your Museum
and to share with loved ones the treasures we all enjoy.
As we approach our 50
anniversary in 2015, the Museum is planning for the
future. Thank you for joining us on our journey. May the holiday season bring
you good health, much happiness, and many more inspiring hours at the
Museum of Fine Arts.
Kent Lydecker
Dr.Deborah Willis, Guest
Curator of Mixing Metaphors
Wayne W. and Frances Knight Parrish
“Reading Art as a
Sunday, October 6, 3 p.m.
Free with MFA admission
Dr. Willis is one of the
nation’s leading scholars
of African-American
art and culture and is a
talented photographer
in her own right. She is Chair and Professor of
Photography and Imaging at Tisch School of the
Arts at New York University. In 2000, she was
named a MacArthur Fellow, a recipient of what is
known as “the genius grant.” She has also been a
Guggenheim Fellow and a Fletcher Fellow.
Widely published, Dr. Willis is the co-author of
Michelle Obama: The First Lady in Photographs,
which received the 2010 NAACP Image Award
for Outstanding Literary Work, Biography/
Autobiography, and Envisioning Emancipation: Black
Americans and the End of Slavery. Other recent books
are Out [o] Fashion Photography: Embracing Beauty,
Black Venus 2010: They Called Her “Hottentot,” and
Posing Beauty: African American Images from the
1890s to the Present.
Dr. Willis has curated many exhibitions, including
Let Your Motto Be Resistance: African American
Portraits, Imagining Families – Images and Voices
and Reflections in Black, and Engulfed by Katrina:
Photographs Before and After the Storm. Her
photography has been shown across the country.
She holds a BFA from the Philadelphia College of
Art, an MA from The City University of New York,
an MFA from the Pratt Institute, and a PhD from
George Mason University.
The Parrishes donated many of the Museum’s
ancient American objects, which are displayed in
a gallery named in their honor. Mr. Parrish was a
successful publisher of aviation magazines, and
Mrs. Parrish, a noted public servant, was Director of
the U.S. Passport Office from 1955-1977.
On the cover:
Benny Andrews (American, 1930-2006)
Rehearsal (Music Series), 1997
Oil and collage on canvas
Collection of the Bank of America
Art©Estate of Benny Andrews/
Licensed by VAGA, New York, N.Y.
Museum Photographs: Thomas U. Gessler
benefiting the MFA
Monday, November 4
Shotgun Start, 12:30 p.m.
Renaissance Vinoy Resort & Golf Club
Live Auction, Gourmet Barbeque, Open Bar, Cigars, and more at the MFA
Register at www.fine-arts.org today!
Mixing Metaphors
Provided by Bank of America’s Art in our Communities Program
Saturday, October 5, 2013-Sunday, January 5, 2014
This revealing exhibition spotlights more than 90 paintings,
prints, drawings, photographs, sculptures, and mixed-media
works by 36 gifted artists. This is the largest show of African
American art ever presented at the MFA. Some of America’s
most important artists are represented, including Benny
Andrews, Romare Bearden, John Biggers, Sam Gilliam, Jacob
Lawrence, Gordon Parks, Martin Puryear, Faith Ringgold, Lorna
Simpson, and Carrie Mae Weems.
Most of the works tell fascinating stories, exploring history,
memories, and life today. They are visual metaphors. The
distinguished scholar and talented photographer Dr. Deborah
Willis is the guest curator. She is University Professor and Chair
of the Department of Photography and Imaging at the Tisch
School of the Arts at New York University.
Jacob Lawrence’s two exceptional prints convey the spirit of the
exhibition. His sweeping Forward Together (1997) is a clarion
call, encouraging us all to move ahead, while Aspirations (1986)
focuses on family life. Family is viewed by many of these artists
as a bedrock and refuge. Lawrence Finney portrays monumental
figures protecting their children, and Faith Ringgold’s large-
scale story quilt, Coming to Jones Road #3: Aunt Emmy (1999),
conveys the centrality of home and family. It also pays tribute to
African American quilts, which, in turn, look back to Africa. So,
too, do the shotgun houses and figures in John BiggersThe Four
Seasons (1990), inspired by Houston’s Third Ward.
The church has been a major force in African American life,
captured poignantly in Benny Andrews’ Rehearsal (Music Series),
1997. Indeed, music has been and continues to be paramount,
with African Americans giving the world some of our most
unique art forms – spirituals, the blues, and jazz. Chuck Stewarts
photographs of jazz legends are high points. On the abstract side
are Kevin Cole’s lively Jam Session No. 3 (1992) and his mentor
Sam Gilliam’s beautifully lyrical Rational Element (1992).
Jacob Lawrence (American, 1917-2000)
Aspirations (1986)
Collection of the Bank of America
©2013 The Jacob and Gwendolyn Lawrence Foundation,
Seattle/Artists Rights Society (ARS), New York
Gordon Parks (American, 1912-2006)
Untitled, Miami, Florida (1970)
Gelatin silver print
Collection of the Bank of America
©The Gordon Parks Foundation. Courtesy
The Gordon Parks Foundation
Photographers and TV cameramen brought the Civil
Rights Movement into our homes, mobilizing action
and change. Memphis-based Ernest C. Withers was
called “the official photographer of the Civil Rights
Movement.” Six images from his famous I Am A Man
portfolio document pivotal moments in the life of
Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. and the struggle as a whole.
Strength and perseverance permeate Lorna Simpson’s
photogravures of hands, Henry Clay Anderson’s and
Dawoud Beys images of everyday life, and Gordon
Parks’ powerful photograph of a young Muhammad
Ali (1970), an American icon. And who can resist
Jamel Shabazzs and Earlie Hudnall Jr.s photographs
of early hip-hop culture? Mixing Metaphors has punch,
spirituality, humanity, visual music – and unforgettable
Recent Acquisitions: Prints,
Drawings, and Photographs
Works on Paper Gallery
Saturday October 26, 2013-Sunday, March 2, 2014
The collection has grown by more than 1,100 works since
the Hazel Hough Wing opened in 2008. This is in addition
to a gift of approximately 15,000 photographs from The
Ludmila Dandrew and Chitranee Drapkin Collection.
Recent Acquisitions is strong in nineteenth- and twentieth-
century art, like the collection as a whole.
More than 40 exceptional works on paper and
photographs, all added in the last five years, will
be displayed. The drawings and prints are by such
significant artists as Jennifer Bartlett, Leonard Baskin,
Carol Dameron, Elaine de Kooning, Wenceslaus Hollar,
Rebecca Sexton Larson, Richard Basil Mock, Pierre-
Joseph Redouté, Milton Resnick, Georges Rouault, Jovi
Schnell, Charles White, and Ossip Zadkine.
The photography collection is one of the largest and
most important in the Southeast and will be admirably
represented in this exhibition. Included are choice images
by George Booth, George Dureau, Sylvie Eyberg, Ernst
Haas, Jason Hailey, Thomas J. Kramer, Amanda Means,
Arno Minkkinen, Edward Steichen, and Shen Wei.
Donor gifts comprise the majority of these acquisitions.
“The collection is at the heart of the Museum,” said
Hazel and William Hough Chief Curator Jennifer Hardin.
“Seeing its dramatic development has inspired us all.
Jennifer Bartlett (American, born 1941)
The Elements: Earth (1992)
Etching and aquatint on paper
Gift of Martha and Jim Sweeny
Edward Steichen (American, 1879-1973)
At the Grand Prix – Paris (1907)
Gift of Larry J. West
About Bank of America’s
Art in our Communities Program
Bank of America launched the Art in our
Communities program to share works from its
distinguished collection with museums across the
globe. The program allows museums and nonprofit
galleries to borrow complete exhibitions at no cost.
Art in our Communities is a collaborative effort
that engages community partners and generates
vital revenue for museums. Since the program’s
launch in 2008, more than 50 museums worldwide
have benefited from the loan of an exhibition.
How Has Art Inspired Your Life?
Did you nger paint as a child or has your child
presented you with a crayon-smudged family portrait?
While visiting a gallery or museum, maybe you simply
stood in awe of an artists inspiration.
The MFA depends upon annual gifts to inspire,
educate, and engage the community. Your generosity
allows your Museum – and the arts – to thrive in
St. Petersburg and the Tampa Bay area.
As we approach the end of the year, we ask that you
donate today. Every gift makes a difference, and your
contribution is fully tax-deductible. For the holidays,
you may want to give in honor of a family member
or friend. What better way to care for your Museum
than to share it with loved ones and let art inspire life!
Please contact Director of Development Daryl DeBerry,
New Mexico and the Arts
of Enchantment featuring
the Raymond James
Financial Collection
Opening Saturday, January 18, 2014
Bill Schencks large-scale painting Canyon Waters (2003), from
the Raymond James Financial Collection, is one of the highlights
of this exhibition, which also includes major works from the
MFA and other private collections. Mr. Schenck is one of the
leading figures in the western Pop movement.
Board of Trustees 2013
Mrs. Glenn Mosby
Mr. Cary P. Putrino, J.D.
Mr. Frank J. (Sandy) Rief
III, Esq.
Mr. Robert B. Stewart
Mrs. Jean Giles Wittner
Mr. Anthony Zinge, J.D.
Mrs. Margaret Amley,
President, The Stuart
Dr. Kent Lydecker, Director
Honorary Trustees
Mrs. Isabel Bishop,
Honorary Memorial
Mr. Seymour A. Gordon,
Mr. Charles Henderson
Mrs. Nomina Cox Horton
Mr. Peter Sherman
Mrs. Carol A. Upham
Executive Committee
Mr. Howard Mills, J.D.,
Mr. Marshall Rousseau,
Ms. Ellen Stavros,
Mr. Harold E. Wells Jr.,
Mr. Robert Churuti
Mr. Mark T. Mahaffey
Mr. William H. Stover
Mr. Roy Binger
Mr. Gary Damkoehler
Mrs. Royce G. Haiman
Mrs. Hazel C. Hough
Mr. Jackie Joyner Jr.
Dr. William D. Law Jr.
Mr. Clark Mason
Mrs. Mary Alice
Porch Parties
On Beach Drive’s biggest porch!
The MFA is partnering with several neighborhood
associations to invite you to meet your neighbors, tour
the newly renovated galleries, and enjoy a complimentary
bar. No RSVP required. Just show up. All parties are from
5:30-7 p.m.
The dates follow: Friday, October 18; Thursday, October 24;
Thursday, November 7; Wednesday, November 13; and
Thursday, November 21.
A Landmark Renewed
The new MFA is stunning, spotlighting the collection like never
before. The galleries in the original building, The Junior League
Great Hall, and the Marly Room glow anew and were unveiled
on Arts Alive Day on Saturday, September 28. The Museum was
packed for this citywide free day.
Jeffrey Daly, one of the most respected designers in the field,
sensitively guided the renovation. Now leading his own firm,
Mr. Daly was the Chief Exhibition Designer and Senior Design
Advisor to the Director of the Metropolitan Museum of Art in
New York for more than 28 years.
You will need to see the changes for yourself, but a few follow:
An illuminated ceiling
now fills The Junior
League Great Hall
with magical light,
and the stone floor
adds to the dignity
and grandeur of this
special entrance.
Windows facing
Beach Drive now
encourage visitors to
look inside day and
The arched window at
the back of the Marly
Room stage has come
out of hiding and the
painted walls give this showpiece a stellar look and personality.
Wooden floors and painted walls have done the same for The
Howard Acheson, The Cyrus Fay Mackey, and the Gary and
Gail Damkoehler Galleries.
Fresh carpeting in the other galleries enhances the visitor
experience – and the art.
Master Planner
James and Suzanne Acheson
Bank of America
Gail and Michael Cannova
Gail and Gary Damkoehler
The Focardi Family
Marianne and Mark T. Mahaffey
Mary Joan and Sam Mann Jr.
Sam and Lorraine Rahall
Arlene Fillinger Rothman
State of Florida
Frances and Gus Stavros
The Alvah H. and Wyline P.
Chapman Foundation
Michael and Adele Acheson
Lynell and Robert Bell
Kathryn, Kim, James, Daniel,
and John Cooke
Susan and Dr. Mack Hicks
Hazel and William Hough
Mardi Igoe Johnson
Glenn and Dav Mosby
Shirley Acheson Shirock
Mary L. Shuh
Carol A. Upham
Cathy and Steve Collins
Hillary Carlson Cone
Dr. Gordon Gilbert
Carol and Langston Holland
Joyce and Walter Larson
Margaret and Dr. Edward Amley
Charlotte Bacon
Marion and William Ballard
Margaret Bowman
Donna and Thomas Brumfield
Susan and Robert Churuti
Joanne and Joe Fleece
Rita Gould
Royce G. Haiman
Dorothy and John Harte
Elaine Hearn
Janet Hunter
Jean Getting Irwin
Gail Keffer
Ruth Kent
Jane Anne Knowlton
Parsla Mason
Georgia Mattern
Mary Alice McClendon
Betty Jean Miller
Elise and the Hon. Thomas
Anne and Robert Nelson
Frances W. Nohren
Betsy Pheil
Jacquelyn and Harry Piper
Janet M. Raymond
Carol Russell
Elithia Stanfield
Judith A. Stanton
Kathleen D. Stover
Nancy Harris Thomas
Keith Tulloch
Ann Vickstrom
Sara Wallace
Mary Margaret Winning
Renovation Donors
The MFA expresses deep gratitude to these loyal friends who
contributed to the major renovation project.
The impressive and ever growing collection has been reinstalled.
Treasures have come out of storage. The Frank Cannova Gallery
is devoted entirely to African art. Crowd favorites now have the
setting they deserve.
The MFAs 50
anniversary celebration has begun early and in
style, always with a desire to connect the community through art.
Follow us on Twitter, like us on Facebook, and visit our website
for updates on educational programs. Support is provided in
part by The Stuart Society, the MFA Education Committee,
Westminster Communities of St. Petersburg, an anonymous
donor, and the City of St. Petersburg.
Gallery Talk
FREE with Museum admission
Hazel and William Hough Chief Curator Jennifer Hardin on
Recent Acquisitions: Prints, Drawings, and Photographs
Sunday, October 27, 3 p.m.
Dr. Hardin is the ideal person to introduce this exhibition, as she
has been instrumental in strengthening the collection. During
her 18-year tenure, she has developed cordial relationships with
many collectors and has recommended Museum purchases. The
collection would not be where it is today without her.
Coffee Talks with Nan Colton
Sponsored in part by:
Second Wednesday of the month.
Free with Museum admission.
The Museum’s performing artist-
in-residence always plays to a full
house. She writes her own scripts,
inspired by special exhibitions,
the Museum collection, and
themes and people related to
both. Enjoy refreshments at 10 a.m., Ms. Colton’s performance at
10:30, and a general docent tour at 11:15.
October 9:Mixed Metaphors – Memories of Growing up in
South Africa”
November 13: Visually Exploring the Story – Jacob Lawrence
and the Harriet Tubman Series
December 11: “Let It Snow – Nan Colton as Isabella Snodgrass
Monday Art Bites
Second Monday of the month, 1 p.m.
Free with Museum admission.
Sample MFA treasures in these 30-minute talks. Then stay for
the 2 p.m. docent tour to explore more of the collection. On
your way out, visit the MFA Store for a FREE edible sample of
Margaret Ann’s Gourmet Cookies. This bite-size snack is
available for Art Bite guests only.
Nan Colton as Isabella Snodgrass
Corporate, Foundation,
Government, and Individual
The Museum is grateful to the following organizations and
individuals for their generosity:
Presidents Circle ($100,000 and above)
The Stuart Society of the MFA
Collectors Circle of the MFA
State of Florida, Department of State, Division of Cultural
Affairs, the Florida Council on Arts and Culture
Duke Energy
Benefactors ($50,000-$99,999)
Tampa Bay Times*
Patrons ($25,000-$49,999)
Renaissance Vinoy Resort and Golf Club*
Sponsors ($15,000-$24,999)
Bank of America
Ceviche Tapas Bar and Restaurant
Arlene Fillinger Rothman
Fifth Third Private Bank**
Wells, Houser & Schatzel, P.A.*
Partners ($10,000-$14,999)
City of St. Petersburg
Tampa Bay Lightning
Franklin Templeton
Sustainers ($5,000-$9,999)
Destiny Transportation*
Great Bay Distributors*
Northern Trust
RBC Wealth Management
Smith & Associates
Sterling Research Group, Inc.*
Water Club Snell Isle
Westminster Communities of St. Petersburg
Associates ($2,500-$4,999)
Dr. Edward and Mrs. Margaret Amley
Cowles Charitable Trust
Hype Group, LLC
Jabil Circuit Inc.
NAC Design & Distributing Solutions
Mrs. Mary L. Shuh
U.S. Trust, Bank of America Private Wealth Management
Contributors ($1,000-$2,499)
Amley & Amley Orthodontics
The Frank E. Duckwall Foundation
Olympia Catering & Events*
Please contact Director of Development Daryl DeBerry
(ddeberry@ne-arts.org) to learn more about sponsor
*In-Kind Donation
**Partial In-Kind Contribution
Ms. Goldfarb received a BFA in drawing and painting at
the University of Georgia and has primarily been a painter
throughout her varied career. She also has created figurative and
glass sculptures, which have, in turn, influenced her painting.
The figure remains central to all of her work.
December 15: Special Holiday Exhibition with Chuck Savoie
and Jacob Stout
Master glassblower Charles Savoie is known for his Italian-style
series of Zanrico goblets, made of colored glass rods that are
twisted together to create fascinating patterns. Mr. Savoie makes
all of his glass from scratch. He holds his BS in studio art from
Southern Connecticut University and two Master of Fine Arts
degrees, one in studio glass from Illinois State University and
the other in sculpture from the University of Illinois at Urbana-
Mr. Savoie completed further study at the Pilchuck Glass School
where he studied with the likes of Dale Chihuly, William Morris,
and Lino Tagliapietra. He has shown his work widely, has won
numerous awards, and is represented in the collections of the
Museum of Art and Design in New York and the Montreal
Museum of Fine Arts, among others.
Earl Grey Tea Chocolate, created by Victoria
Boyko of Viktoria Richards Chocolates.
The decorative arts – fine furniture, jewelry, ceramics, and
more – are all around us. FODA expands understanding of
their variety and beauty. Plus, you will make new friends at
the meetings. Annual dues are $20 in addition to Museum
membership. To join, please contact Membership and Marketing
Coordinator Bailey Nicholas: BNicholas@ne-arts.org or
727.896.2667, ext. 250.
FODA programs are held on the second Tuesday of the month
at 2 p.m. during season. Non-FODA members can attend for
$5, plus MFA admission. Carolyn Nygren is the volunteer
coordinator. Upcoming events follow:
October 14: Director Kent Lydecker on a work from Mixing
November 11: Dr. Susan Cooksey, Curator of African Art at the
Samuel P. Harn Museum of Art, the University of Florida, on
selections from the MFAs African collection.
December 9: Bob Devin Jones, Artistic Director of the
Studio@620, on art in Mixing Metaphors.
A DMG Visiting Glass Artist Series
Sponsored by The Duncan McClellan Glass Project
Second Sunday of the month, 2 p.m.
FREE with MFA admission
October 13: Susan Rankin and Rob Stern
Ms. Rankin, an instructor at the Haliburton School of the Arts in
Ontario, draws her forms in charcoal first and has been inspired
by classical forms, select decorative arts, and the history of
glass itself. She is represented in the collections of the Corning
Museum of Glass, the Montreal Museum of Fine Arts, and
Flemish Centre for Contemporary Glass Art, among others.
Mr. Stern’s aesthetic resides where humans and nature interact,
between random organic patterns and angular hewn planes.
His work pushes the traditional boundaries of the medium. He
has taught at the University of Texas at Arlington, the University
of Miami, and San José State University. He conducts regular
workshops at the Glass Furnace in Istanbul, Turkey and at the
famous Pilchuck Glass School in Seattle, where he is a teaching
November 10: Paul J. Nelson, Peter Wright, and Kim Goldfarb
Mr. Nelson uses blown and hot sculpting techniques to make
uniqueportraitsin glass. They are created at Flame Run Glass
Studio and Gallery in Louisville, Kentucky, where he also teaches.
His work has been featured in Glass Magazine, Art and Antiques,
and Design Times. He has studied at Centre College, Pilchuck Glass
School, and the University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign.
After twenty years in commercial construction, Mr. Wright
followed his passion and founded Wright Publishing Company to
produce limited-edition fine art, primarily bronze sculptures. The
artists work in many media, which Wright reproduces in bronze.
In 2000, he began to collaborate with renowned glass sculptor
William Morris and was inspired to experiment with the medium
himself, leading to study at Pilchuck and a new direction.
October 8: Master metalsmith Alex Klahm of St. Petersburg
will offer an overview of metal processes and techniques. He has
designed and produced architectural metalwork for both public
spaces and estate properties. He has crafted grand staircases,
monumental gates, balconies, decorative railings, chandeliers,
and much more.
Mr. Klahm has restored the metalwork on 24 lighthouses, as
well as on other historic properties such as Vizcaya and the
Miami/Dade County Courthouse. He is best known locally
for the Millennial Gateway, created for the promenade of The
Shops of St. Pete, formerly BayWalk. The Florida Chapter of the
American Institute of Architects has twice given him the Mellen
C. Greeley Craftsman of the Year Award. He holds his BA from
the University of California at Davis and his MA from California
State University at Los Angeles.
November 12: Victoria Boyko, founder of Viktoria Richards
Chocolates in New Port Richey, will present a truly delicious
program. She creates contemporary designs for her chocolates
– almost miniature works of art – which look too perfect to eat,
but are too enticing not to. She uses only the finest European
chocolates and has developed such unique flavors as pineapple
chipotle, Earl Grey lavender, chai masala, and lemon vodka
nesting doll.
Ms. Boyko holds a BA in fashion design with a minor in art from
The American College – London, having previously studied at
The American College – Lucerne. As a bonus, her chocolates will
be available in the Museum Store the week before, the day of,
and the week after her program, until they sell out.
December 10: Sarah Nisenson, a guide at the Walter Gropius
House in Lincoln, Massachusetts, will discuss the life and work
of the legendary founder of the Bauhaus School in Germany and
one of the most influential architects of the twentieth century.
He attracted major designers and artists such as Paul Klee,
Josef Albers, and Wassily Kandinsky to teach and work at the
Gropius designed his family home when he came to teach
architecture at Harvard University. It was created around his
Marcel Breuer furniture, which he brought from Europe, and
remains one of the best examples of his vision. Also on view are
artworks by Albers, Joan Miró, and Henry Moore, some of his
many admirers and friends.
Thursday Evenings, Wine/Beer Cash Bar, Delectable Bites
Random Act 10.10.13, 5:30-8 p.m. Upcycled Design
Tom and Gisele are doing it. Brad Pitt is still doing it. Join them
and redesign without the celebrity price tag. Natalie Scott of
Natalie Scotts Designs and Jill Lifsey of District Designs show
how to transform old and worn pieces into sophisticated and
modern ones. Local craftsmen and designers will be available in
the Mary Alice McClendon Conservatory.
Random Act 10.24.13, 6-8 p.m. YOLELE! Cooking
Demonstration and Book-Signing by Pierre Thiam
Three courses and a souvenir recipe card of the dishes prepared.
$35 members, $45 nonmembers
Reservations required by Friday, October 18.
Please call 727.896.2667, ext. 210, to purchase tickets or for more
Sponsored by:
Chef, restaurateur, and cookbook author Pierre Thiam grew up
in Dakar, Senegal, and moved to New York in the late 1980s.
By 2001, he had opened his first restaurant, Yolele, a visionary
African bistro in Brooklyn. His Le Grand-Dakar Restaurant
opened just three years later in neighboring Clinton Hill. He
currently owns Pierre Thiam Catering and serves as a consulting
chef for restaurants in New York City and beyond. His cookbook,
Yolele! Recipes from the Heart of Senegal, was a finalist for the
Julia Child Cookbook Award and won the Gourmand World
Cookbook’s Special Jury Award at the Paris World Cookbook Fair.
Mr. Thiam lectures and conducts cooking classes around the
globe and has appeared on the Food Network, including Iron
Chef; ABCs Eyewitness News; and NBCs TODAY Show. He has
been profiled on CNN’s Inside Africa and interviewed on NPR’s
Splendid Table.
Random Act 11.14.13, 6:30-8:30 p.m. FEAST
Wine, beer, and cocktails, 6:30 p.m.
Artists’ Presentations, 7 p.m.
Tickets are $20. Go to www.feastpinellas.org.
Join Creative Pinellas, Keep St. Petersburg Local, and the MFA
for our fifth FEAST microfunding event. Meet some of the
area’s most interesting artists. Enjoy a taste of the citys best
restaurants. Support exciting arts projects with your vote. All
proceeds from the door go to the winners.
Random Act 12.12.13, 7:30 p.m. Opera Tampa Holiday Concert
Tickets are $10. Seats are limited. For advanced tickets, please
call 727.896.2667, ext. 210.
The talented Opera Tampa Singers perform your favorites, along
with many surprises. They usher in the season on a high note.
Youth & Family
First and third Saturday of the month, 10 a.m.
Ages three and older.
$5 per person (includes
admission to the entire
Bring a towel or yoga mat.
Kidding Around Yoga has
become a hit. It utilizes the yoga
poses or asanas creatively tucked
into partner yoga, games and
activities, original music, stories,
and more. The class is designed
for children, but families are
welcome. Practicing yoga with family and friends creates a
special bond.
MFA: Make and Take Saturday
Third Saturday of the month, 11 a.m.-2 p.m.
FREE with MFA admission. No registration necessary
For ages five and older.
Create your own masterpiece inspired by works in the collection
and special exhibitions. Supplies are included. Both children and
adults are welcome.
October 19: Quilt Squares—View Faith Ringgold’s story quilt,
Coming to Jones Road #3: Aunt Emmy (1999), in Mixing Metaphors
and then create your own square without using needle and
November 16: Memorable Bowls – Be inspired by the
masterful ceramics of Maria and Julian Martinez as you make
your own pinch pot. In partnership with the Morean Arts Center
for Clay.
December 21: Going Crafty with Collage – Mixed-media
works and collages in the collection and special exhibitions will
lead to your next masterpiece.
Beginning in January, “Make and Take” will expand
to follow “Kidding Around Yoga” on the first and third
Saturdays of the month.
Family Tours
Saturdays, 11 a.m.
Bring the family for a docent tour that will open up new worlds
for you and your children. Participants will receive a postcard
reproduction of a work in the collection to take home.
Waiting Up for Santa Party
You can’t spend
a “Night at the
Museum,” but
your favorite
stuffed animal
can. Imagine his
adventures as the
paintings and
sculpture come
Friday, December
13: Drop off your
stuffed animal
between 10 a.m.
and 5 p.m.
December 14,
9-11 a.m.: Pick
up animals and enjoy a child-friendly continental
breakfast, while watching a slide-show of your
buddies’ adventures. Then receive an early visit from
Santa Claus and savor story time with Mrs. Claus at
Children are $10 and adults, $15. Space is limited.
Reservations are required by Wednesday, December 11.
Please call 727.896.2667, ext. 210.
Santa Arrives Early
Double Your Discount
Save money in the Museum Store
and find an artistic holiday gift for all
the special people in your life. From
Thursday, November 21, through
Sunday, November 24, MFA members
will receive an extra 10 percent
discount on all purchases. That totals
to 20 percent off. Make the Store your
rst stop for holiday shopping.
$60 (Includes MFA Membership*)
255 Beach Drive NE, St. Petersburg
Purchase Tickets Online at WWW.FINE-ARTS.ORG
*Current MFA Members will receive a $60 voucher for an Individual Gift Membership
or to use toward membership renewal.
The Museum of Fine Arts presents
7 p.m.-10 p.m.
Sponsored by Music by
Beer poured by
Museum Store
in partnership with
Alyen Suarez of NuSoBel
Art Advances Fashion Forward
Fine Art, Fashion, and Photography
Three Magical Worlds Collide
Thursday, October 17, 5-9 p.m.
Cutting-Edge Fashion and Photography
inspired by the MFA collection
Fashion Design by Lina Texeira.
Models on the Runway, Jewelry, Fashion Accessories, and
Photography in the Mary Alice McClendon Conservatory
Premier Fashion Show in the Marly Room
Admission to all Galleries
Full Cash Bar, Delectable Bites, Valet Parking
$10 general admission, $15 limited VIP seating with
complimentary drink and patron gift
No reservations required.
Dinner & Jazz
Ray Biscoglia Duo
Friday, December 6, 6:30-9:30 p.m.
$5 members and guests, $10 each
Dinner extra, limited seating
Reservations: 727.896.2667, ext. 258, or
Escape the holiday stress and begin your weekend in one of the
most spectacular settings in the city. Enjoy an exquisite buffet
prepared by the MFA Café, while listening to the smooth sounds
of jazz. Pianist Ray Biscoglia and bassist Glenn Stevenson have
earned a following throughout the area. The galleries and the
Museum Store will be open and you can mingle on the terrace.
An invitation-only event for sponsors and patrons
Saks Fifth Avenue
Sarasota Shopping Experience
Thursday, October 24, 5-7 p.m.
Join us for an in-store cocktail reception with
coach transportation to and from Saks Sarasota
with a sunset toast to the MFA.
Enjoy a cocktail reception with Michael’s On East,
art-themed entertainment,
exquisite perfume, and makeup consultations.
Shop for your SMartLY DRESSED outfit and enjoy
the Saks Fifth Avenue experience.
Transportation departing MFA at 4 p.m.
The Margaret Acheson Stuart Society
Premiering the best of Saks Fifth Avenue
with runway and informal modeling
Friday, November 8
11 a.m. Silent Auction
Noon Fashion Show
Emcee: Fox 13 News Co-Anchor Kelly Ring
Renaissance Vinoy Resort and Golf Club
Grand Ballroom
Opportunity Items
$3,000 Saks Fifth Avenue Sarasota Shopping Spree
Furniture Décor by Matter Brothers Furniture & Design
Continue Your Fashion Experience
Don’t wait in the Valet Line
Enjoy a Signature Drink and more opportunity items with
Saks Fifth Avenue Sarasota
Showcasing Jewelry by Stephanie Kantis
and makeup by the Trish McEvoy Artistry Team
$40, Limited to 50 Guests
Emmy-winning co-anchor of Fox
13 news Kelly Ring will be the
emcee of SMartLY DRESSED.
The Plaza of Honor
at the Bayshore entrance to the Hazel Hough Wing
Order an Engraved Brick, the Perfect Memorial or Tribute.
Commemorate an engagement, wedding, anniversary,
milestone birthday, or graduation.
Memorialize relatives or special friends.
Honor family, teachers, volunteers, or donors.
Show support for the MFA.
Forms are available at the Welcome Desk.
Lorraine Danna is the chair. For more information, write to
Friday, February 7th
Black Tie Dinner honoring sponsors and special guests at the Museum
of Fine Arts
Saturday, February 8th
Gala Wine Auction and Dinner in The Grand Ballroom at the Vinoy
Renaissance St. Petersburg Resort featuring fine wines and luxury
lifestyle trips, items and experiences in the silent and live auctions
Sunday, February 9th
Jazz Brunch - Inaugural duPont Registry Concours d’Elegance at the
MFA - an invitational competition of classic and exotic automobiles
Wine Weekend Overflows
to February 1st with
the Grape Escape
Party-goers will gather for drinks and hors d’oeuvres, then be escorted
to a line of waiting limousines. You and your dinner partners will be
whisked away to we can’t tell you where, but each limousine will
have its own destination where guests will enjoy a sumptuous wine
and culinary adventure.
Welcoming Nicholas Allen
Nicholas Allen, proprietor of Carte Blanche Wine, will be one of our
Special Guest Vintners for Wine Weekend. Nicholas’ family owns
Domaine Clarence Dillon in Bordeaux, which includes First Growth
Chateau Haut-Brion, Premier Grand Cru Classe-A Chateau La Mission
Haut-Brion, and the family’s newest winery acquisition, Grand Cru
Classe Chateau Quintus, in St. Émilion. A passionate art enthusiast
and supporter of the Stuart Society and Wine Weekend, Nicholas
is proud to share his expanded portfolio of wines and continue his
eorts to benefit the museum.
Enjoy Great Wines, Great Foods
and Great Times to Benefit a Great Cause
The Museum of Fine Arts, St. Petersburg
Save the Dates
February 1
& 7–9
Please consider sponsoring this exciting event!
Visit WineWeekendStPete.org or call (828) 753-WINE (9463)
for information about sponsorship packages and benefits.
Visit WineWeekendStPete.org for details and timely updates.
Friday, November 22, noon: Lunch and Learn: Fashion
Photography. Formal luncheon and discussion with Curatorial
Assistant Sabrina Hughes, a specialist in the history of
photography. 1311 Brightwaters Boulevard N.E., St. Petersburg.
20 guests, $50 per person. Hosted by Barbara McCoy.
Thursday, December 12, 6-8 p.m.: Holiday Ladies’ Night with
floral designer Cassie Osterloth. Wine and buffet dinner. Create
your own holiday floral arrangement to take home. Wonderland
Floral Art, 2887 22
Avenue North, Suite A, St. Petersburg. 22
guests, $50 per person. Hosted by Roseanna Costa, Susan Hicks,
Karen McCollum, Signe Oberhofer, Jennifer Rogers, Carol
Upham, and Sally Wheeler. Sold Out.
Wednesday, January 15, 11:30 a.m.: Lunch with Chef
Matt Smith of Parkshore Grill, featuring local organic
vegetables, at the home of Betty Shamas, 798 Cattail Court
N.E., St. Petersburg. 12 guests, $50 per person. Hosted by
Mrs. Shamas and her sister Jane Beam. Sold Out.
Wednesday, January 22, 10 a.m.-12:30 p.m.: Docent-led
Architectural Tour of the Salvador Dalí Museum, followed by
lunch at the Hangar Restaurant. 20 guests, $50 per person.
Hosted by Charlotte Kendall, Jean Getting Irwin, and Camilla
Thursday, January 23, 6-8 p.m.: Sake and Sushi Tasting in the
Mary Alice McClendon Conservatory. 50 guests, $40 per person.
Hosted by Dawn MacLaren, Shannon Borton, Rebecca Hearn,
Stephanie Dyer, Linda Dow, Deann Coop, Monica Mason,
Audrie Rañon, and Stephanie Sanders.
Wednesday, January 29, 11:30 a.m. -1:30 p.m.: An elegant
Provençal Luncheon prepared by Mark Heimann, Executive
Chef at the Renaissance Vinoy Resort and
Golf Club. Served at the home of trustee Mary
Alice McClendon, 555 Fifth Avenue N.E.,
#1232, St. Petersburg. French food, wines, and
champagne. 12 guests, $75 per person. Hosted
by Mrs. McClendon. Sold Out.
Wednesday, February 26, 10:30 a.m.: Art
of Beauty. The latest tips on color and skin-
care, plus informal modeling. Lite bites plus
opportunity ticket for a Neiman Marcus
gift card. Neiman Marcus, second floor,
International Plaza. 50 guests, $30 per person.
Hosted by Debbie Utz, Susan Taylor, and
Eleanor Davidoff.
Wednesday, February 26, 4-7 p.m.: Heirloom
Recipes Party. Buffet-style tasting of treasured
family dishes from around the world.
Everyone will receive a booklet with the
evenings recipes to take home. 838 Monterey
Boulevard N.E., St. Petersburg. 40 guests,
$60 per person. Reservations deadline is
Monday, February 17. Hosted by Nata Cibran,
Pascale Durand, Linda Jollay, Pam Levitt, Toni
Lydecker, Monica Mason, Carol Nelson, Mary
Jo Nelson, and Toni Riche.
Affaires dArt
These events entertain, educate, and most of all, bring people
together. Please make your reservations early, as the programs
sell out quickly. Make your check payable to The Stuart
Society and send to reservations chair Chris Hilton, 300 Beach
Drive N.E., #1501, St. Petersburg, Florida 33701-3416. Jane
Schaumberg and Kathy Whittemore are the chairs.
Wednesday, October 9, 1-4 p.m.: iPad for Dummies with light
refreshments. Do you need help deciphering all the features
of your iPad, including Siri? Whether you are a newbie or an
iPad pro, docent Anne Shamas will make this class worth your
time. Men are welcome. MFA Bayview Room. 20 guests, $50 per
person. Hosted by Kathy Stover and Margaret Amley.
Tuesday, October 15, 11 a.m.-2 p.m.: Habana Café Afternoon.
Cooking demonstration and lunch with sangria at the home of
Jo Gonlez-Hastings, owner/chef of Habana Café, 5907 Pelican
Bay Plaza South, Gulfport. 30 guests, $35 per person. Hosted by
Mary Rainey, Betty Bowley, Diane Fair, Joyce Larson, Maritza
Smith, Julia Sorbo, and Edie Spies.
Tuesday, October 22, 6-8 p.m.: Interior Decorating Mini-
Seminar with refreshments. Plan your room, real or imaginary,
with the help of Judy Bistany, Interior Designer at Matter
Brothers Furniture. Bring your floor plan (materials will be
provided in advance to help you). Matter Brothers will give
a 10 percent discount for purchases made by attendees for
a six-month period. Matter Brothers Furniture and Design,
7801 U.S. 19 North, Pinellas Park. 20 guests, $35 per person.
Hosted by Judy Bistany.
Wednesday, November 6, 10 a.m.-1 p.m.: Pies for the
Holidays, with instructor Carolyn Bond. Each guest will make
a pecan or pumpkin pie to take home. Lunch will be served
while the pies bake at the home of Barbara Sansone, 1737
Brightwaters Boulevard N.E., St. Petersburg.
10 guests, $50 per person. Hosted by Barbara
Wednesday, November 13, 6:30-
8:30 p.m.: Spice It Up! A holiday cooking
demonstration with wine and cocktails.
Use recipes with ingredients from the
Savory Spice Shop and sample heavy hors
d’oeuvres created by Chef Jason Cline of
The Birchwood, known for his exotic, boldly
flavorful, and globally inspired dishes.
Savory Spice Shop, 400 Beach Drive N.E.,
#173, St. Petersburg. 25 guests, $45 per
person. Hosted by Gail Razook and Kathy
Thursday, November 14, 5-7 p.m.: Jewels
on Beach Drive. Back by popular demand.
Do your holiday shopping while enjoying
wine and appetizers. Unique one-of-a-kind
jewelry by Dale Wybrow. 20 percent of sales
goes to The Stuart Society. 288 Beach Drive
N.E., 9-C, St. Petersburg. 40 guests, $25 per
person. Hosted by Dale Wybrow, Jennifer
Rogers, Sue Hands, Joty Puckett, and Nancy
Dale Wybrow will display her stunning pieces
at the “Jewels on Beach Drive” event on
Thursday, November 14, from 5-7p.m.
Wednesday, March 6, 7-9 p.m.: Girls
Night Out Bunco. Games, appetizers,
cocktails, and prizes. 300 Coffee Pot
Riviera N.E., St. Petersburg. 20 guests,
$45 per person. Hosted by Liz Bradley,
Judy Holland, Linda Jantschek, Nancy
Rutland, Tina Dyer, Linda Hirsh, Ginny
McCarthy, Sue Froid, and Susan Lahey.
Thursday, March 20, 5-7 p.m.: Brain
Differences in Our World, a wide-
ranging discussion with distinguished
neuropsychologist Dr. Mack Hicks.
Dr. Hicks founded Center Academy in
1968, one of the first schools to help
students with attention deficit disorder
and other challenges. Wine and cheese.
288 Beach Drive N.E., #8B, St. Petersburg.
20 guests, $35 per person. Hosted by
Susan Hicks and Ruth Kent. Sold Out.
Saturday, April 5, 6 p.m.: Shuffle,
shuffle, shuffle on down to
St. Petersburgs legendary Shuffle Board
Club, 559 Mirror Lake Drive North, for
food, fun, and competition. 60 guests,
$40 per person. Hosted by Linda
Jantschek, Mark Chmielewski, Patty and
Elliot Gassner, Carol and Tom Treichel,
Gail and Fred Razook, Carol Nelson,
Kathy and Kent Whittemore, Margaret
and Emory Wood, and Ginny and Terry
Wednesday, April 9, 10:30 a.m.-
1:30 p.m.: Seaside Garden Tour and
Luncheon. Pass-a-Grille is known for its
beautiful beaches and sunsets, but tucked
behind the dunes are some delightful,
hidden gardens. Sip champagne mimosas
while touring three unique beach
settings. At noon, following the tours, a
Tuscan luncheon will be served al fresco.
A garden guide, map, and parking passes
will be provided. 30 guests, $45 per
person. Hosted by Tina Douglass, Dana
Dunn, Sunny Endicott, and Joanne Pheil.
Sold Out.
Wednesday, April 23, 5:30-8:30 p.m.:
Hawaiian Luau overlooking the Sunshine
Skyway Bridge. Savor tropical drinks
and feast as you watch hula-dancers at
the expansive waterfront home of Wayne
and Joyce Fraser on Pinellas Point,
750 71
Terrace South. Hawaiian attire.
16 guests, $80 per person. Hosted by
Joyce Fraser, Jeanne Houlton, and Debbie
Event Sponsors:
A grand spring tradition, Art in Bloom 2014 will present more than 50 floral
interpretations of works in the collection. The designs are by professional florists,
talented hobbyists, and members of The Stuart Society. One of the Museum’s most
popular exhibitions, Art in Bloom will open to the public Saturday, March 8, and
continue through Tuesday, March 11. Elizabeth Walters-Alison and Dale Wybrow are
the overall chairs, and Betty Shamas is overseeing the installation.
Art in Bloom Luncheon
Friday, March 7, 11:30 a.m.
Renaissance Vinoy Sunset Ballroom
The speaker and guest of honor is Chris Giftos, who
served as Master Floral Designer and Director of
Special Events at the Metropolitan Museum of Art,
New York, for more than 30 years. Mr. Giftos created
the weekly floral design for the Mets Great Hall. That
tradition was endowed by Lila Acheson Wallace, co-
founder of Reader’s Digest and a relative of Museum
Founder Margaret Acheson Stuart. Mr. Giftos has
appeared on television with Oprah Winfrey and
Martha Stewart, among many others. Martha Buttner
and Glenn Mosby are the chairs.
Flowers After Hours
Art in Bloom Preview Party
Saturday, March 8, 6:30-9 p.m.
Be one of the first to view the inventive floral designs and enjoy sumptuous hors
d’oeuvres, cocktails, wine, and jazz in the Mary Alice McClendon Conservatory.
Emmy Award-winning journalist Cathy Unruh of WEDU will be the emcee, and
the Iron Florist Competition will spotlight two of the citys finest florists. Gail Pyhel,
Whitney Shouppe, and Becky Wells are the chairs.
Conversations with the Designers
Sunday, March 9, 2-4 p.m.
No reservations required.
Many floral designers will be in the galleries to discuss their creations, inspiration,
and techniques. Mernet Larsen, Professor Emerita of Painting at the University of
South Florida, will be the special guest. Honorary Stuart Society member Eric Lang
Peterson will create a design in response to her exceptional painting Mall (1987),
which he donated to the collection. He will join Ms. Larsen for this event.
Chris Giftos
Sark, Andrew
Walker, Rolene
White, Roger
Wohl, Linda
New Members
June 1-August 26
Directors Circle
Edwards, Bill and Joanne
Hough, William R. and Hazel
James, Tom and Mary
Mahaffey, Mark T. and
Wittner, Jean Giles
Custer, William and Lori
Jones, Peter and Marylee
Brant, Alan and Patricia
Shuh, Mary L.
Brumfield, Thomas and
Harvard, William B. and
Kally M.
Hensley, Lynne
Hilton, Robert and Chris
McGowan, Marilyn and
Ronda Craig
Cohn, Douglas B. and
Maureen A.
Driggers, Hellen and Walt
Jensen, Richard
Balsizer, Lewis
Bauer, Joetta
Brancucci, Joe and Bill Carley
Burke, Martin and Ashley
Byrnes, John and Lora
Cridlin, Joseph and Shelley
Cruz, Eduardo and Angeles
Currie, David and Nancy
Dommel, Volker and Kelsey
Feeser, Kenneth A.
Gerew, Jeffery
Grinde, Donald and Kari
Kingsford, Michael and
Lembo, Louis and Susan
Lyras, Steven
Norris, Brenda
Omlor, David and Marlene
Peters, Richard and Lisa
Renda, Carol
Rued, Linda R. and Paul
Sandoval, Anna and Julio
Sarlous, Richard E. and
Stone, John and Maureen
Stupar, Camille and Dawn
Swindall, David and Linda
Vassiliev, Andrei and Svetlana
Wagh, Frances
White, Graham and Cathy
Armacost, Peter
Aselage, Mary Ann
Begin, Deborah
Boldt, Sherill
Bragg, Andrew
Callaghan, Patrice
Cope, Nancy J.
Dineaux, Sylviane
Dinkin, Roxane H.
Fisher, Beverly
Foh, Kathleen
Freskos, Stacy
Hall, Cralle H.
Juergens, Jennifer
Knutsson, Maggie
Kriegler, Paul
Leat, Elizabeth
Lee, Judy R.
Lynch, Maryann
Mallin, Sandra
Marchessault, Laurie
Ramundo, Joan
Rechenberg, Dolores M.
Rusnak, David
Russell, Darrell
St. John, Donna
Teso, Amy
Thompson, Gladys U.
Whitmer, Meg
Woodfield, James B.
Armacost, Mary-Linda
Dwyer, Theodore
Middlekauff, Brandie
Muedini, Fait
Member Profile:
Susan Hicks
Museum Store Volunteer
and Stuart Society past
president (2008-2009).
She and her husband Dr.Mack
Hicks founded Center Academy,
which has expanded to 10
private schools for children
with learning disabilities.
Q: When did you join the Museum and why?
A: My husband and I joined in 1977. While at the
University of Florida I took humanities classes
and became interested in art. When we moved to
St. Petersburg, friends introduced me to the Museum
and the rest is history.
Q: What do you like best about the MFA?
A: The Store, of course! When I joined The Stuart
Society in 1991, I completed my volunteer hours
in the Store and have been volunteering every
Tuesday since. I have met many interesting people
from all over the world. I love to hear the wonderful
comments made by visitors about their experiences at
the Museum and have also enjoyed becoming friends
with the MFA staff.
Q: Who are your three favorite artists?
A: Renoir and Monet are two of my favorites (I love
Impressionism). My husband and I lived and owned
a school in England, where we grew to appreciate
Q: Who first introduced you to art?
A: When I was in grade school in Wisconsin, there was
a radio show that told elaborate stories and held
drawing contests based upon them. I won twice!
Q: What is one thing that would surprise people about
A: My first name is Kathleen. I was also in the water
ballet, or synchronized swimming, in high school.
Study Trips
Sponsored by:
Friday, October 18: Collectors Circle
members will travel by luxury coach to
see Icons of Style at the John and Mable
Ringling Museum of Art in Sarasota.
Organized by the Museum of Fine
Arts, Boston, this fascinating exhibition
features exquisite and innovative
designs by the likes of Karl Lagerfeld,
Christian Lacroix, and John Galliano;
fashion illustration; and photography.
Dresses worn on the red carpet by Barbra
Streisand, Cate Blanchett, and Winona
Ryder are centerpieces. Dr. Virginia
Brilliant, the Ringlings Curator of
European Art, will conduct a private tour.
Also on view is Picturing Ceylon.
Thursday, December 5-Saturday,
December 7: Art Basel/Miami Beach is
one of the worlds premier extravaganzas
of modern and contemporary art. Works
are displayed almost everywhere,
including on the beach. The group
will have VIP access to galleries, other
exhibition spaces, and special events and
will visit artists’ studios and a private
collection. A private brunch will be
held at Mindy Solomon’s new gallery.
Katherine Pill, Assistant Curator of Art
after 1950, Director Kent Lydecker, and
Marshall Rousseau, Director Emeritus
of the Salvador Dalí Museum and
President-Elect of the MFA Board, will
lead the group.
Collectors Circle
Corporate and
Foundation Sponsors
Astral Extracts
Fifth Third Private Bank
Helen Torres Foundation
Northern Trust
RBC Wealth Management
Lecture Series
FREE and Open to the Public
Sponsored by:
This eminent series features some of the
world’s foremost art historians, curators,
artists, and collectors. A cocktail hour
for Collectors Circle members only, also
sponsored by Northern Trust, will be held
one hour before the lecture. Seymour
Gordon is President of the Collectors
Tuesday, November 19, 6:30 p.m.:
Christopher Still is a quintessential
Florida artist, as he paints about the
state he loves. “A Conversation with
Christopher Still” will offer a rare glimpse
into his inspiration and work.
A native of the
Tampa Bay area,
Mr. Still received
a full scholarship
through a
to attend the
Academy of
the Fine Arts in Philadelphia, where
he received his BFA. While there,
he was recognized for outstanding
accomplishment in painting and received
the Pennsylvania Governors Award for
ne art. He also took courses in human
anatomy at Jefferson Medical School and
completed an apprenticeship in Florence,
Mr. Still returned to Tampa Bay in 1986
and has a studio in Tarpon Springs. He
is represented in the collections of the
Smithsonian Institution, The John and
Mable Ringling Museum of Art, the
Florida Governors Mansion, and the
Polk Museum of Art, among others. His
painting Orchids (1991), which seems to
burst from the frame, is part of the MFA
collection. His work has been part of
exhibitions at museums around the state
and across the country.
His commissions have encompassed
paintings for St. Petersburg City
Hall, 10 murals for Florida’s House of
Representatives, and the official portrait
of legendary Gov. Lawton Childs. He
also created a large-scale painting and
sculpture for the Tampa International
Airport and the 25th anniversary painting
for Ruth Eckerd Hall. In 2010, he was
inducted into the Florida Artists Hall of
Fame – at 49, the youngest ever to receive
this distinction.
Friday, December 13, 6:30 p.m.:
A distinguished
scholar of the art
of India, Dr. Joan
the Lisa and
Bernard Selz
Curator of Asian
Art, has been
at the Brooklyn
Museum since
2007. She
will focus on
Bodies: Religious Sculpture of India” in
her Collectors Circle Lecture.
Dr. Cummins is currently working on
a major reinstallation of the Brooklyn’s
galleries of Asian and Middle Eastern art.
In 2011, she curated an international loan
exhibition, Vishnu: Hindu’s Blue-Skinned
Savior, which traveled to the Frist Center
for Visual Arts in Nashville.
Prior to joining the Brooklyn Museum,
Dr. Cummins was Assistant Curator of
Indian, Southeast Asian, and Himalayan
Art at the Museum of Fine Arts, Boston.
While there, she wrote Indian Painting from
Cave Temples to the Colonial Period, based on
the museum’s collection. She also curated
Buddhist Arts of Asia for the Nagoya/
Boston Museum of Fine Arts in Japan.
A noted lecturer, Dr. Cummins holds
her BA from Brown University and her
MA, MPhil, and PhD from Columbia
University. Her dissertation examined
temples dedicated to the Hindu sun god,
Bridging the Bay
An Artistic Evening
Collectors Circle Members and MFA Trustees
Tampa Museum of Art Gold and Platinum Patrons
at the Tampa Museum of Art
Tuesday, October 15
Champagne, wine, and hors doeuvres, 6:30 p.m.
Private Tour with Tampa Museum Executive Director
Todd Smith, 7:15 p.m.
Presented by:
Joan Miró, Le Jour (Day), 1953
Collection of Albright-Knox Art Gallery,
Buffalo, N.Y. Gift of Frederic P. Norton.
©2013 Artists Rights Society, New York/ADAGP, Paris.
On View:
Arp, Calder, and Miró:
Modern Masters from the Albright-Knox Art Gallery
Organized by the Albright-Knox Art Gallery, Buffalo, New York. Support
for its collection-based exhibition program is generously provided by
the late Peggy Pierce Elfvin, The Seymour H. Knox Foundation Inc., The
John R. Oishei Foundation, and The Margaret L. Wendt Foundation.
Fragile Waters, featuring photography by Ansel Adams,
Ernest H. Brooks II, and Dorothy Kerper Monnelly
Organized by photokunst and curated by Jean Falk Adams as guest curator.
Sea of Tranquillity, a film by Hans Op de Beeck
Co-produced by the National Centre for Visual Arts – Ministry of Culture
and Communication (F), the Flanders Audiovisual Fund (B), Emmanuelle and
Michael Guttman and Le Fresnoy – Studio National des Arts Contemporains.
Complimentary Coach from St. Petersburg,
rst-come, first-served
Valet Parking available on Gasparilla Plaza
RSVP: 727.896.2667, ext. 210, or reception@ne-arts.org
Chair: Mary B. Perry
In memory of Demetrius
Dr. John E. Schloder
In memory of Macie Bush,
mother of Glenn Mosby
Fay Mackey
Gail and Fred S. Razook Jr.
In honor of Chris Hilton’s
David Connelly
In memory of Joan Hilton,
mother of Robert Hilton
David Connelly
Dr. John E. Schloder
In memory of William
Dr. John E. Schloder
In honor of Mary Alice
McClendon’s birthday
Dr. Richard E. and Mary B.
Sam and Demi Rahall
In memory of A. Reynolds and
Eleanor R. Morse
Brad Morse and the Morse
Family Foundation
In memory of Gloria Origlio
Walter and Patricia Boehm
Bob and Shirley Brooks
Ann Guiliani
Patricia Harten
Florence Kaiser
Ruth Lien
Claire Macaluso
John and Patricia
Nancy Przetak
Virginia Windmuller
In memory of Herb
Tempelmann, husband of
Sheila Tempelmann
Dr. John E. Schloder
In honor of Carol Upham’s
David Connelly
Katherine Pill (far left), Assistant Curator of Art after 1950, welcomes
MFA trustee Hazel and William Hough to the opening of Color
Acting, the summer exhibition she curated. In the background
is Michael Bell-Smith’s innovative Waves Clock (2012), which the
Houghs provided the funds to acquire. The Houghs also established
the curatorial endowment fund to support Ms. Pill’s position.
Mixing Metaphors: The
Aesthetic, the Social and the
Political in African American
Art, Works from the Bank of
America Collection
Saturday, October 5, 2013-
Sunday, January 5, 2014
Recent Acquisitions: Prints,
Drawings, and Photographs
Saturday, October 26, 2013-
Sunday, March 2, 2014
MFA Transformed: A Landmark
Renovation of the Galleries in
the Original Building
Reinstallation of the Collection
Now on View
New Mexico and the Arts of
Enchantment featuring the
Raymond James Financial
Opening Saturday, January
18, 2014
Family Tours, Saturdays,
11 a.m.
Members’ Opening, Mixing
Metaphors, 6-8 p.m.
Kidding Around Yoga,
10-11 a.m.
Mixing Metaphors opens.
Wayne W. and Frances
Knight Parrish Lecture:
Dr. Deborah Willis, “Reading
Art as a Metaphor,” 3 p.m.
Friends of Decorative Arts:
Master metalsmith Alex
Klahm on metal processes
and techniques, 2 p.m.
Coffee Talk: Nan Colton’s
“Mixed Metaphors –
Memories of Growing up
in South Africa,” tour, and
refreshments, 10 a.m.-noon
UNCHartED: Random
Acts of Culture – Upcycled
Design, 5:30-8 p.m.
Art on Tap, 7-10 p.m.
Hot Gatherings, Cool
Conversations with glass
artists Susan Rankin and Rob
Stern, 2 p.m.
Monday Art Bite: Director
Kent Lydecker on a work from
Mixing Metaphors, 1 p.m.
Bridging the Bay” for
Collectors Circle members
and MFA trustees, Tampa
Museum of Art, 6:30 p.m.
Art Advances Fashion
Forward – Fine Art,
Fashion, and Photography,
5-9 p.m.
Kidding Around Yoga,
10-11 a.m.
MFA: Make and Take
Saturday – Quilt Squares,
11 a.m.-3 p.m.
UNCHartED: Random
Acts of Culture – YOLELE,
Cooking Demonstration
and Book-Signing by Pierre
Thiam, 6-8 p.m.
Recent Acquisitions: Prints,
Drawings, and Photographs
Gallery Talk: Hazel and
William Hough Chief Curator
Jennifer Hardin on Recent
Acquisitions, 3 p.m.
Kidding Around Yoga,
10-11 a.m.
Bogies & Stogies
Benefit Golf Tournament,
Renaissance Vinoy Resort
and Golf Club, 11:30 a.m.
Stuart Societys Fashion
Show, Grand Ballroom, The
Vinoy, 11 a.m.
Hot Gatherings, Cool
Conversations with glass
artists Paul J. Nelson, Peter
Wright, and Kim Goldfarb,
2 p.m.
Monday Art Bite: Dr. Susan
Cooksey, Curator of
African Art at the Samuel
P. Harn Museum of Art, the
University of Florida, on
selections from the MFAs
African collection, 1 p.m.
Friends of Decorative Arts:
Victoria Boyko, founder of
Viktoria Richards Chocolates,
on her artistic creations, 2 p.m.
Coffee Talk: Nan Colton’s
Visually Exploring the Story
– Jacob Lawrence and the
Harriet Tubman Series,” tour,
and refreshments, 10 a.m.-
UNCHartTED: Random
Acts of Culture – FEAST,
6:30-8:30 p.m.
Kidding Around Yoga,
10-11 a.m.
MFA: Make and Take
Saturday – Memorable
Bowls, 11 a.m.-3 p.m.
Collectors Circle Lecture:
A Conversation with
Christopher Still,” 6:30 p.m.
to Remember
Dinner & Jazz: Ray Biscoglia
Duo, 6:30-9:30 p.m.
Kidding Around Yoga,
10-11 a.m.
Art Bite: Bob Devin Jones,
Artistic Director of the
Studio@620, on works in
Mixing Metaphors, 1 p.m.
Friends of Decorative Arts:
Sarah Nisenson, a guide at
the Walter Gropius House, on
the legendary architect and
his influence, 2 p.m.
Coffee Talk: “Let It Snow
– Nan Colton as Isabella
Snodgrass,” tour, and
refreshments, 10 a.m.-noon
UNCHartED: Random Acts
of Culture – Opera Tampa
Holiday Concert, 7:30 p.m.
Stuffed Animal Drop-off
for “Waiting up for Santa
Party,” 10 a.m.-5 p.m.
Collectors Circle Lecture:
Dr. Joan Cummins of the
Brooklyn Museum on
“Temporary Bodies: Religious
Sculpture of India,” 6:30 p.m.
Waiting Up for Santa Party
with breakfast and early visit
from Santa and Mrs. Claus,
9-11 a.m.
Hot Gatherings, Cool
Conversations: Special
Holiday Exhibition with
Chuck Savoie and Jacob
Stout, 2 p.m.
Kidding Around Yoga,
10-11 a.m.
MFA: Make and Take
Saturday – Going Crafty
with Collage, 11 a.m.-3 p.m.
MFA closed for Christmas.
MFA Transformed: A Landmark Renewed
255 Beach Drive NE
St. Petersburg, FL 33701
727.896.2667 Fax: 727.894.4638
Museum open
10a.m.-5p.m. Monday-Saturday
10a.m.-8p.m. Thursday
Noon-5p.m. Sunday
MFA Café open 11a.m.-3p.m.
Media Sponsor
Ofcial Host Hotel
Major Sponsor of exhibitions
and educational programs