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IBM SAP Technical Brief
Connect Data Sources to SAP HANA on IBM Power Systems via
SAP HANA Smart Data Integration
IBM SAP International Competence Center
Walldorf, Germany
Version: 1.1
April 2018
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Edition Notice
The latest published version of this paper is available at:
First edition of this document
Fixed some hyperlinks
Walter Orb, IBM SAP International Competence Center
Dr. Edmund Häfele, IBM Technical Sales for SAP
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1 BACKGROUND AND SCENARIOS ........................................................................................................ 5
1.1 SCOPE AND MOTIVATION ...................................................................................................................... 5
1.2 SAP HANA ENTERPRISE INFORMATION MANAGEMENT ...................................................................... 5
1.3 SAP HANA SMART DATA INTEGRATION USE-CASES .......................................................................... 6
1.4 POSITIONING AND OVERLAP WITH OTHER TOOLS .................................................................................. 6
1.4.1 Secondary database connection in SAP NetWeaver AS ABAP........................................................ 6
1.4.2 SAP HANA Smart Data Access ....................................................................................................... 7
1.4.3 SAP HANA Smart Data Integration Architecture ........................................................................... 8
1.4.4 Data Federation Comparison ......................................................................................................... 9
1.5 DOCUMENTATION ................................................................................................................................. 9
2 CONFIGURE SMART DATA INTEGRATION ................................................................................... 11
2.1 SETUP OF THE TEST SCENARIO ........................................................................................................... 11
2.2 SDI BASE SETUP ................................................................................................................................. 13
2.2.1 Create an DP Agent Admin User in SAP HANA ........................................................................... 13
2.2.2 Create an DP Agent Monitor User in SAP HANA ........................................................................ 14
2.2.3 Enable the Data Provisioning Server ............................................................................................ 15
2.2.4 Download SDI components ........................................................................................................... 16
2.2.5 Download Oracle JDBC Driver .................................................................................................... 17
2.2.6 Deploy Data Provisioning Delivery Unit ...................................................................................... 18
2.2.7 Install the Data Provisioning Agent .............................................................................................. 19
2.2.8 Configure the Data Provisioning Agent ........................................................................................ 21
2.3 SDI APPLICATION SETUP .................................................................................................................... 25
2.3.1 Create a Remote Source in SAP HANA ......................................................................................... 25
2.3.2 Create Remote Source with a SQL statement ................................................................................ 27
2.4 SAP HANA SDI MONITORING ........................................................................................................... 28
2.4.1 Data Provisioning Adapter Monitoring ........................................................................................ 28
2.4.2 Monitoring using the HANA_IM_DP Deployment Unit ................................................................ 28
3 ACCESSING REMOTE DATA SOURCE SCENARIOS ..................................................................... 30
3.1 SAP SDI VIRTUAL TABLE SCENARIO ................................................................................................. 30
3.1.1 Create User and Schema ............................................................................................................... 30
3.1.2 Grant Schema Access .................................................................................................................... 31
3.1.3 Create Virtual Table ...................................................................................................................... 31
3.1.4 Check Virtual Table Definition and Content ................................................................................. 33
3.1.5 Create a Virtual Table using SQL Statements ............................................................................... 38
3.2 SECONDARY DB CONNECTION DIRECT SCENARIO ........................................................................... 39
3.2.1 Secondary Database Connection ABAP Coding Options .......................................................... 39
3.2.2 Prepare Secondary DB Connection on the SAP Application Server ............................................. 40
3.2.3 Define Secondary DB Connection in the Database Administrator Cockpit .................................. 40
3.2.4 Access Data in ABAP via Secondary Database Connection ......................................................... 43
3.3 SECONDARY DB CONNECTION SAP HANA SDI SCENARIO ............................................................ 45
3.4 SECONDARY DB CONNECTION SAP HANA SDI NATIVE SQL SCENARIO ...................................... 49
3.5 REMOTE DATABASE ACCESS SAP HANA SDI NATIVE SQL SCENARIO ......................................... 51
4 SUMMARY ................................................................................................................................................ 54
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1 Background and Scenarios
1.1 Scope and Motivation
Initial scope of the document is to
Provide a short “How-to” and “Step-by-step” approach for setting up SAP HANA
Smart Data Integration in a SAP HANA on IBM Power Systems environment
Provide guidelines how to transfer current data provisioning scenarios (for example
using SAP HANA Smart Data Access on a x86 infrastructure) to a SAP HANA on
IBM Power Systems topology with SAP HANA Smart Data integration.
Readers of the document are expected to have a working knowledge of SAP technology
components (SAP HANA, SAP NetWeaver technology, SAP ABAP programming language,
including the required tooling e.g. SAP HANA Web IDE, HANA studio), IBM Power
Systems, and Linux operating system.
1.2 SAP HANA Enterprise Information Management
SAP introduced several tools to access data stored in foreign locations and make this available
within the SAP HANA database during ongoing evolution of SAP HANA.
Starting with SAP HANA 1.0 SP09 two new features, SAP HANA Smart Data Integration
(SDI) and SAP HANA Smart Data Quality (SDQ), have been introduced. These features form
the SAP HANA Enterprise Information Management (EIM) and provide an integrated
Extraction, Transformation, and Loading (ETL) mechanism directly into the SAP HANA
SDI provides data replication and transformation services to handle all styles of data
integration. It provides tools to access remote source data (data federation) and to provision,
replicate, or transform this data into SAP HANA on-premise or cloud database systems.
SDI capabilities include:
Replication and ETL-type data transformation services, integrated natively in SAP
Open and extensible: works on SAP and non-SAP data of any source, style, shape and
Support for all kinds of data delivery: real-time, batch, federation, and streaming
Load data into SAP HANA on-premise or in the cloud
Modeling environment is part of HANA Studio and HANA Web-based Development
Extends HANA’s Smart Data Access (SDA) connectivity by leveraging the new Data
Provisioning Framework (DP Server and DP Agent) and an Adapter SDK
Provides transactional integrity for real time push (through DBMS transaction log
In addition, SDQ provides advanced transformation mechanisms to support data quality
functionality. The SDQ option allows to enhance, cleanse, and transform data to make it more
accurate and useful.
SDQ capabilities include:
Real-time, high-speed data cleansing, address cleansing, and geospatial data
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Intuitive interface to define data transformation flowgraphs in SAP HANA Studio
Can be directly embedded in data flows / ETL processes
These options enable connecting efficiently to any source to provision and cleansing data for
loading into SAP HANA on-premise or in the cloud. For supported systems, data can be
written back to the original source too.
1.3 SAP HANA Smart Data Integration Use-Cases
Data Federation
Expose remote data sources like databases or other sources as for example Hadoop to
the SAP HANA database. The data is not physically moved, but remains in its original
source environment. Via virtual tables, the data becomes available in HANA queries.
There can be latency issues and such a federation scenario is only useful for infrequent
queries and low amounts of data. However, it can be a first step before moving to
Data Replication
Move data from the original source into the HANA database in real-time or using
scheduled processes. Real-time replication is possible for selected sources like
databases (Oracle, IBM Db2, Microsoft SQL Server, …), and Twitter. A change in
these sources is replicated in (near) real-time to the HANA database.
Data Transformation
Apply complex transformations on the data before storing it in SAP HANA, or for
data that is already available in HANA and needs further transformation.
These transformations include SQL-like operations like join, filter, and aggregate, as
well as more complex operations like pivot your data (transform rows to columns and
vice versa) or build in conditional logic (CASE transform). Another common data
transformation scenario is history preserving to build up a history of changes (e.g. a
delete in the source would be transformed to an update to set a flag to inactive, but
keeping the record for history).
This document focuses on Data Federation access of data in SAP HANA from a remote
source without moving the data into the SAP HANA itself. Data Federation is the base use
case, and once implemented can be easily extended with Data Replication / Data
Transformation scenarios.
1.4 Positioning and overlap with other tools
1.4.1 Secondary database connection in SAP NetWeaver AS ABAP
SAP NetWeaver Application Server ABAP has the capability to access other databases in
addition to its primary database. This is known as so-called secondary databases or secondary
database connections. In case the secondary database is a different database type than the
primary database of the SAP NetWeaver AS ABAP, the SAP provided Database Shared
Library (DBSL) and the database vendor provided client must be installed. This implies that
the secondary database must be a database system supported by SAP for the respective SAP
kernel and operating system release combination only then the shared library is available.
For the secondary database, a new connection is created via the Database Administrator
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The table below illustrates the availability of DBSL shared libraries and database clients for
the different SAP NetWeaver AS ABAP operating systems (SAP NetWeaver 7.5). For details,
especially for the detailed operating system releases, consider the SAP Product and
Availability Matrix (SAP PAM).
SAP NetWeaver 7.5
Database Platform
SAP ABAP Application Server OS
DB2 LUW 64
AIX 64
1. Supported only with SUSE SLES 11 (BE) or Red Hat (BE)
2. Supported only with Red Hat (BE)
3. SAP does not support SAP Application Servers on LINUX_X86_64 in an SAP system with a SQL
Server database backend. SAP only supports secondary SQL Server connections (via DBCON) from
non-SQL Server ABAP systems running on LINUX_X86_64
Microsoft supports an ODBC SQL Server Native Access driver on Linux/x86 only, which
enables secondary SQL Server connections from non-SQL Server ABAP systems running on
Intel/Linux servers. See also SAP Note 1644499 - Database connectivity from Linux to SQL
If the required DBSL shared libraries/database client is not available for the operating system
of the ABAP application server, the secondary database connection can be transformed to a
solution based on SAP HANA Smart Data Integration. However, this might require some
coding changes in the clients’ custom ABAP programs.
1.4.2 SAP HANA Smart Data Access
SAP HANA Smart Data Access (SDA) is the base method in SAP HANA for Data
Federation. SDA allows access to data stored in remote data sources directly via SAP HANA.
SAP HANA creates a “virtual table” mapping to tables located in remote data sources within
the data provisioning framework. SAP HANA can then access the data directly by accessing
the virtual table. The virtual table can be manipulated like an ordinary table - operations, as
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select, update, insert, delete are available for the virtual table. Join operations between local
tables and virtual tables are supported too.
Prerequisite for connecting the remote data source via Smart Data Access is an ODBC driver,
which needs to be installed directly on the host of the SAP HANA system. Compared with
Linux/x86, only a subset of ODBC drivers is available and supported by SAP for Linux on
Power. 3
party ODBC drivers could be used as a potential alternative with SAP HANA
Smart Data Access.
1.4.3 SAP HANA Smart Data Integration Architecture
SAP HANA Smart Data Integration is the strategic enterprise information management
solution and provides a superset of functionalities compared to SDA. It has a huge set of
adapters for remote data sources available. SDI is the preferred strategic solution for Linux on
Power. Virtual tables, which were previously defined via SDA in SAP HANA, can be easily
re-created using the new SDI based remote data source without any changes to the application
The picture below provides a high-level overview of the SAP HANA Smart Data Integration
In the scenarios described in this document, SAP HANA Database, Data Provisioning Server
and Remote Data Source are located “on-premise” and can communicate via TCP within one
The Data Provisioning Server is a native SAP HANA process. It provides native connectivity
to some data sources as well as connectivity to the Data Provisioning Agent (in the examples
in this document, the remote sources are connected via the Data Provisioning Agent). The
Data Provisioning Server is installed with the SAP HANA server, but must be enabled before
usage. The activation of the Data Provisioning Server is described in chapter 2.2.3.
The HANA_IM_DP delivery unit bundles monitoring and administration capabilities and the
Data Provisioning Proxy for connecting to SAP HANA in the cloud. The delivery unit
includes the Data Provisioning administration application, the Data Provisioning Proxy, and
the Data Provisioning monitor. The import of the HANA_IM_DP delivery unit into the SAP
HANA system is described in chapter 2.2.6
The Data Provisioning Agent typically runs outside the SAP HANA environment and is
managed by the Data Provisioning Server. It provides connectivity for all remote data sources
where the driver is not available inside the Data Provisioning Server. Installation of the Data
Provisioning Agent is described in chapter 2.2.7. In our scenario, the Data Provisioning
Server and the Data Provisioning Agent are deployed within one common network segment,
no proxy is required in between.
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The Data Provisioning Agent needs to be connected to the SAP HANA database, registered
with the Data Provisioning Server, and the respective adapters need to be deployed. This is
described in chapter 2.2.8.
1.4.4 Data Federation Comparison
The table below summarizes the data federation situation for Linux/x86 versus Linux on
Power for the example of an Oracle database:
Connection Layer to Remote Database
Linux on Power
Secondary DB
DBSL / DB Client
required for OS of SAP
DBSL / DB Client
DBSL / DB Client not
Smart Data
Access in SAP
ODBC Driver required
for OS of SAP HANA
ODBC Driver
ODBC Driver not available
from Oracle. (a 3rd party
driver might be available)
Smart Data
Integration in
er on Data Provisioning
Agent, and JDBC
Driver. Data
Provisioning Agent
installed on remote
database or on its own
Data Provisioning
ter and JDBC Driver
Data Provisioning Agent,
and JDBC Driver available
on SLES12 (LE)
1.5 Documentation
We will provide references to existing documentation throughout the document.
Unfortunately, URL links might change over time, so this chapter explains how to find the
most important documentation.
The starting point is the SAP Help Portal at Search for
Smart Data Integration and select the Suggested Products link SAP HANA Smart Data
Integration and SAP HANA Smart Data Quality.
At the time of writing this document, this link refers to
Select the Version matching your HANA release.
The resulting web site provides references to important documents like the Installation and
Configuration Guide, the Administration Guide, and to several developer and modelling
guides. There is also a link to the SAP HANA Academy, which refers to the YouTube channel
SAP HANA Smart Data Integration and Smart Data Quality. This channel has currently more
than a hundred videos covering different areas of this topic.
Another recommended starting point is the SAP HANA Smart Data Integration product page
in the SAP ONE Support Launchpad. Login to the Launchpad at, select Products in the search pull down menu and search
for Smart Data Integration. Select your release and you’ll end up on the product homepage.
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This web site provides references to the standard documentation, recommended SAP notes, as
well as links to blogs and questions on the SAP Community site.
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2 Configure Smart Data Integration
From this point on, we will demonstrate most of the tasks that need to be performed in the
HANA system using the SAP HANA Web-based Development Workbench. We will also use
the term SAP HANA Web IDE as a synonym for the web-based development workbench.
The workbench is available at http://<host>:80<instance number>/sap/hana/ide.
For example, the URL of our demo environemnt is
The following screenshot shows the welcome window after initial login, from there you can
navigate to the different modules. In this whitepaper, we will mostly use the Security and the
Catalog modules.
A user must be granted the required roles or privileges in advance. The system role
sap.hana.xs.ide.roles::Developer allows access all the modules of SAP HANA Web-based
Development Workbench. Please check the SAP HANA Web-Based Development
Workbench help page for more details about available roles.
Some SQL statements (as for example ALTER DATABASE are not supported in the
workbench. In these cases, you should use SAP HANA Studio or the SAP HANA database
interactive terminal (hdbsql) to execute these statements.
2.1 Setup of the Test Scenario
In the initial setup, we consider the access to a remote Oracle database using SAP HANA
Smart Data Integration.
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A SAP NetWeaver system is installed with two application servers (one on AIX 7.2, a second
one on SLES12) connected to an SAP HANA 2.0 database. Another SAP NetWeaver 7.5
system using an Oracle database serves as a remote data source system. A Data Provisioning
Agent is installed on a separate partition.
This tables shows the list of hostnames and their respective roles:
Landscape (SID)
Operating System
HANA database
AIX 7.2
Data Provisioning
Oracle database
AIX 7.2
Two kinds of adapters are available with SAP HANA Smart Data Integration for Oracle
The OracleLogReaderAdapter retrieves data from an Oracle database. It can receive
changes to tables in real time, and it is possible to write back data changed to the virtual
table in SAP HANA to the Oracle database. The OracleLogReaderAdapter uses the Oracle
data dictionary when browsing metadata.
Like the OracleLogReaderAdapter, the OracleECCAdapter retrieves data from SAP ERP
system running on an Oracle database. It can receive changes in real time, and it is
possible to write back data changed to the virtual table in SAP HANA to the Oracle
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database. The OracleECCAdapter uses the data dictionary in the SAP ERP system when
browsing metadata.
In our example, the Data Provisioning Agent has the OracleLogReaderAdapter configured
and the Oracle JDBC driver is installed.
2.2 SDI Base Setup
For the SDI base setup, a series of tasks need to be executed:
In the SAP HANA system,
Two users need to be created to connect the Data Provisioning Agent to the SAP
HANA engine
o The DP Agent Admin user allows to manage the Data Provisioning Agent and
has all the necessary admin priviledges to configure the agent and manage the
o The second user is a technical user used for monitoring, and is used by the
agent for the continuous connection to SAP HANA in a proxy scenario.
The Data Provisioning Server needs to be enabled.
The Data Provisioning delivery unit needs to be deployed.
On the LPAR dedicated for the Data Provisioning Agent
1. JDBC drivers required for the adapters need to be installed.
2. The Data Provisioning Agent needs to be installed.
3. The agent and the adapters need to be configured.
2.2.1 Create an DP Agent Admin User in SAP HANA
Use the SAP HANA Web IDE to create the DP Agent Admin user for SAP HANA. In our
environment, we used the following steps.
1. Login with the SYSTEM user, switch to the Security module and select
Menu > New > User.
2. Enter the user name DPAGENT and a password.
3. Switch to the System Privileges tab to add the required privileges to register
provisoning agent(s) and adapter(s) to a DP Agent Admin user:
a. System privilege: AGENT ADMIN
b. System privilege: ADAPTER ADMIN
4. Click the Save icon to create the new DPAGENT userid.
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In case the DP Agent Admin user shall configure a proxy scenario (communication to DP
Agent via HTTP protocol), application priviledge is
required in addition:
2.2.2 Create an DP Agent Monitor User in SAP HANA
Create another user called DPMONITOR as DP Agent Monitor user in SAP HANA. The DP
Agent Monitor needs the role
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2.2.3 Enable the Data Provisioning Server
Per default, the Data Provisioning Server is disabled in SAP HANA.
In a multi-database container (MDC) environment, the Data Provisioning Server for the tenant
database is enabled using an ALTER DATABASE SQL command. Enable the Data
Provisioning Server for the respective tenants:
ALTER DATABASE <database_name> ADD 'dpserver' AT LOCATION
The SAP HANA Web IDE, does not support ALTER DATABASE statements. Use the SAP
HANA Studio SQL Console or hdbsql to connect to the to the SYSTEMDB and issue the
following command accordingly:
ALTER DATABASE H04 ADD ’dpserver’ at LOCATION ’ph04na1’
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2.2.4 Download SDI components
The required SDI software components can be downloaded from the SAP Software Download
Select INSTALLATIONS & UPGRADES > By Alphabetical Index (A-Z) > H > SAP HANA
Download Delivery Unit HANA_IM_DP
Select SAP HANA DP 2.0. The Data Provisioning delivery unit is provided as a standard ZIP
file for all available operating systems of the SAP HANA database.
The delivery unit provides the following functionalities:
A browser based interface allows to monitor agents, tasks and remote subscriptions
created in the SAP HANA system.
Proxy application
Allows communication between SAP HANA and the Data Provisioning Agent in case
the Data Provisioning Agent is deployed in a different network segment behind a
firewall, or in a cloud scenario (SAP HANA is hosted in a cloud datacenter).
Admin application
The Admin application allows to configure the Data Provisioning Agent in case SAP
HANA and Data Provisioning Agent are in different network segments involving the
proxy application.
Download the appropriate patch level version matching the support package release of the
installed HANA database system:
(Example: HANAIMDP02_2-70002513.ZIP )
Download Data Provisioning Agent
The Data Provisioning Agent links the SAP HANA system with the remote data source.
In our setup, the Data Provisioning Agent is installed on a separate Linux partition on an IBM
Power Systems server (Operating System SUSE SLES 12 Linux on Power LE 64Bit):
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VERSIONS section, select the desired operating system (LINUX ON POWER LE 64BIT), and
download the Data Provisioning Agent SAR file:
(Example: SP02 Patch 30 for HANA DP AGENT 2.0)
2.2.5 Download Oracle JDBC Driver
The SAP Product and Availability Matrix (SAP PAM) entries for Smart Data Integration
document the required client libraries, which need to be installed for the adapter on the Data
Provisioning Agent:
Due to licensing requirements, the Oracle JDBC libraries are not shipped together with the
agent, but need to be obtained from the Oracle Technology Network (OTN):
development/jdbc/downloads/index.html )
For our environment, ojdbc7.jar was chosen for Oracle 12c.
Later, the ODBC driver is installed into the ~/lib directory of the Data Provisioning Agent.
The Oracle Log Reader adapter of the Data Provisioning Agent will use the JDBC driver to
connect to the Oracle database system.
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2.2.6 Deploy Data Provisioning Delivery Unit
The delivery unit HANA_IM_DP needs to be deployed in the SAP HANA system. When
SAP HANA is deployed in a multitenant database container configuration, the delivery unit
must be imported into the tenant database. The user deploying the delivery unit with the SAP
HANA Application Lifecyle Management tool needs the security role
1. Unpack the downloaded ZIP file.
2. Login to the SAP HANA Web IDE.
3. Switch to the Lifecycle Management module.
4. Click on the Delivery Units tile and then Import button.
5. Click Browse, navigate to and select the unpacked HANAIMDP.tgz file.
6. Click Import to start the installation of the delivery unit.
A pop-up window shows the results of a test import, click the Import button to start the actual
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After a successful import, the name HANA_IM_DP ( appears in the list of delivery
units in the left sidebar. Selecting this entry shows some detailed information like the installed
version for this delivery unit.
2.2.7 Install the Data Provisioning Agent
The Data Provisioning Agent provides secure connectivity between the SAP HANA database
and the adapter-based data sources.
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In our test environment, the Data Provisioning Agent is installed on an IBM Power Systems
partition with a SLES12 operating system.
On the DP Agent partition, perform the following steps:
1. Create the user which owns the DP Agent installation (user dpagent):
groupadd --gid 79 sapsys
useradd -d /usr/sap/dataprovagent -m -s /bin/bash -g sapsys dpagent
2. Logon as the dpagent user.
Download the SAPCAR tool from the SAP support portal or from an existing
installation (e.g. /usr/sap/H04/SYS/exe/hdb/SAPCAR) and copy it to the /tmp
Transfer Data Provisioning Agent SAR archive (e.g.
IMDB_DPAGENT200_02P_30-80002267.SAR) to the /tmp directory.
Extract the Data Provisioning Agent SAR archive:
mkdir /tmp/IMDB_DPAGENT200_02P_30
cd /tmp/IMDB_DPAGENT200_02P_30
/tmp/SAPCAR -manifest SIGNATURE.SMF \
-xvf ../IMDB_DPAGENT200_02P_30-80002267.SAR
The agent package gets extracted to subdirectory
Change to the directory of the extracted package and run the DP Agent
cd /tmp HANA_DP_AGENT_20_PPC_64LE
./hdbinst --silent --batch --path="/usr/sap/dataprovagent"
SAP HANA Data Provisioning Agent installation kit detected.
SAP HANA Lifecycle Management - dataprovagent Installation
Checking installation...
Preparing package 'dataprovagent'...
Preparing package 'Installer'...
Installing SAP HANA Data Provisioning Agent to /usr/sap/dataprovagent...
Installing package 'dataprovagent'...
Installing package 'Installer'...
You have installed Data Provisioning Agent with default settings. The default
settings use insecure channel to communicate with HANA server. For secure
communication, SSL settings must be configured via the Data Provisioning
Agent Configuration tool after the installation is complete. Please see SAP
HANA Smart Data Integration Installation and Configuration Guide for details
on configuring SSL between the Agent and HANA server.
Installation done
Log file written to '/var/tmp/hdb_dataprovagent_2018-03-
20_11.05.06_12877/hdbinst_dataprovagent.log' on host 'ph04pa1'.
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3. Set-Up Oracle 12c LogReader adapter
Copy the downloaded JDBC libraries (ojdbc7.jar ) to the library directory in
2.2.8 Configure the Data Provisioning Agent
The configuration of the Data Provisioning Agent requires several steps:
1. Start the Agent.
2. Define the Connection to the SAP HANA System.
3. Register the Agent on the SAP HANA System.
4. Register the Adapter with the SAP HANA System.
These steps are executed with the Agent Admin user on the Data Provisioning Agent partition.
Start the Agent
Login as Agent Admin user on the LPAR (user dpagent), change to the ~/bin directory, and
start the command-line agent configuration tool:
> cd bin
> ./ configAgent
DPAgent Configuration Tool
1. Agent Status
2. Start or Stop Agent
3. Agent Preferences
4. SSL Keystores
5. SAP HANA Connection
6. Agent Registration
7. Adapter Registration
8. Custom Adapters
9. Agent & Adapter Versions
q. Quit
b. Back
Select 2 to for the Start/Stop menu:
Start or Stop Agent
1. Start Agent
2. Stop Agent
3. Ping Agent
q. Quit
b. Back
Select 1 to start the agent:
Agent service location: /usr/sap/dataprovagent/bin/ location: /usr/sap/dataprovagent/bin/
Starting agent service. Command: /usr/sap/dataprovagent/bin/
Start service return code: 0
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Press Enter to continue...
Result: agent is started.
Define the Connection to the SAP HANA System
Connect with SAP HANA Studio to the System DB and run the following SQL command to
identify the appropriate SQL PORT number:
(port+2) http_port
from sys_databases.m_services
where database_name = 'H04'
and ((service_name='indexserver'
and coordinator_type = 'MASTER')
or service_name = 'xsengine')
Login to the Agent Admin user on the partition (user dpagent), change to the ~/bin directory,
and start the command-line agent configuration tool:
> cd bin
> ./ configAgent
DPAgent Configuration Tool
1. Agent Status
2. Start or Stop Agent
3. Agent Preferences
4. SSL Keystores
5. SAP HANA Connection
6. Agent Registration
7. Adapter Registration
8. Custom Adapters
9. Agent & Adapter Versions
q. Quit
b. Back
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Select 5 to enter the SAP HANA Connection menu:
SAP HANA Connection
1. Connect to SAP HANA on Cloud (HTTP/HTTPS)
2. Connect to SAP HANA on Premise (TCP)
q. Quit
b. Back
Select 2 to Connect to SAP HANA on Premise:
Connect to SAP HANA on Premise (TCP)
Enter Use SSL (requires configuration)(true): Valid options: true|false
Enter Host Name:
Enter Port Number(30015):
Enter Agent Admin HANA User:
Enter Agent Admin HANA User Password:
Enter Agent Admin HANA User Password: (confirm)
Calling Connect to SAP HANA on Premise (TCP) (connectHanaViaTcp)
Agent configuration tool is connected to SAP HANA server.
Press Enter to continue...
Result: the connectivity to SAP HANA is defined for the agent
Register Agent with SAP HANA
Start the command-line agent configuration tool and connect to SAP HANA.
DPAgent Configuration Tool
1. Agent Status
2. Start or Stop Agent
3. Agent Preferences
4. SSL Keystores
5. SAP HANA Connection
6. Agent Registration
7. Adapter Registration
8. Custom Adapters
9. Agent & Adapter Versions
q. Quit
b. Back
Select 6 to enter the Agent Registration menu:
Agent Registration
1. Register Agent
2. Unregister Agent
q. Quit
b. Back
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Select 1 to register the agent.
Result: The DP Agent is registered in the SAP HANA database.
Register Data Provisioning Adapters
Start the command-line agent configuration tool and connect to SAP HANA.
Select 7 to enter the Adapter Registration menu.
Adapter Registration
1. Display Adapters
2. Register Adapter
3. Unregister Adapter
q. Quit
b. Back
Select 2 to register an adapter.
Specify the name of the adapter to register with SAP HANA
Enter adapter name:
Result: the Adapter 'OracleLogReaderAdapter' on the DP Agent is successfully registered.
You can verify the result in the Data Provisoning Agent Monitor available at
Login with the previosly created DPMONITOR userid. In our demo landscape, the URL is
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The OracleLogReaderAdapter is active on the Data Provisioning Agent. In the next step, the
remote data source can be defined in SAP HANA.
2.3 SDI Application Setup
2.3.1 Create a Remote Source in SAP HANA
We can now configure the Oracle NW4 database as a remote source using the SAP HANA
Web IDE.
The connection details of the remote source can be extracted from the listener.ora
configuration of the Oracle database system:
(KEY = NW4)
(HOST = psapnw4)
(PORT = 1521)
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Login as SYSTEM user in the SAP HANA Web IDE and:
1. Switch to the Catalog module.
2. Open Provisioning in the sidebar.
3. Right-click on Remote Sources and select New Remote Source.
4. Open the Adapter Name drop-down list and select OracleLogReaderAdapter.
The Location should be agent and Agent (Group) Name our previously configured DP
5. Provide a Source Name in the New Remote Source tab.
6. Open the Database property and fill in the Host, Port Number, and Database Name of
the source system.
7. Open the Credentials property and switch the Credentials Mode to Technical User.
8. Open the Oracle Connection Credential property and fill in the User Name and
Password properties using the schema credential of the source database.
9. Click the Save icon to create the remote source.
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2.3.2 Create Remote Source with a SQL statement
Alternatively a remote source can be created by executing a SQL in the SAP HANA database:
'<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" standalone="yes"?>
<ConnectionProperties name="configurations">
<PropertyGroup name="database" displayName="Database">
<PropertyEntry name="pds_host_name" displayName="Host">psapnw4</PropertyEntry>
<PropertyEntry name="pds_port_number" displayName="Port
<PropertyEntry name="pds_database_name" displayName="Database
'<CredentialEntry name="credential">
Note the single quotes surrounding the CONFIGURATION and WITH CREDENTIAL TYPE
sections. The section following CONFIGURATION contains the info string specifying the
Oracle database connection details. The section following WITH CREDENTIAL TYPE
contains the credentials section where user name and password for the Oracle database access
is specified.
(See also SAP Note 2459991 - How to create SDI remote source using the SQL console? or
the SAP HANA Administration Guide for details)
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2.4 SAP HANA SDI Monitoring
2.4.1 Data Provisioning Adapter Monitoring
The Data Provisioning adapter on Linux provides a script for (re-) start-, stop- and status
Logon to the Data Provisioning Server partition with the credentials of the
installation owner (user dpagent)
Run ~/bin/ ping
to verify the status of the SAP HANA Data Provisioning Agent
In case the Data Provisioning Server is not running, it can be started via
~/bin/ start
The Data Provisioning Server will be started as background process.
The Data Provisioning Server can be stopped via
~/bin/ stop
2.4.2 Monitoring using the HANA_IM_DP Deployment Unit
The DPMONITOR user can connect to the HANA_IM_DP deployment unit in the XS Engine.
Different monitoring views are available. (URLs shown reflect our demo landscape):
DP Agent Monitor
DP Subscription Monitor
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DP Task Monitor
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3 Accessing Remote Data Source Scenarios
3.1 SAP SDI Virtual Table Scenario
This section demonstrates the definition of a virtual table providing access to a source table in
the SAP NetWeaver/Oracle system. SAP provides a sample flight data model implementing a
simplified flight booking system, which is typically used for ABAP learning and training.
Call transaction se38 and execute the ABAP report SAPBC_DATA_GENERATOR to generate
this set of sample tables and data content.
In this demonstration, we use a separate schema in the HANA database to store the virtual
We use the SAP HANA Web IDE to illustrate the following steps:
1) Create a new user and assign required roles.
2) Grant access to user schema.
3) Create a virtual table in the schema connecting to a remote data source.
4) Access data in the virtual table.
3.1.1 Create User and Schema
We create a new schema to store the virtual table and a new user that will be used to access
the data in the Oracle source system.
Open the SAP HANA Web-based Development Workbench, the URL in our demo setup is:
1. Login to the SAP HANA Web-based Development Workbench with the SYSTEM
2. Switch to the Security module to create a new userid.
3. Select Menu > New > User, enter a user name and password, and add the following
4. Click the Save icon to create the new user.
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3.1.2 Grant Schema Access
To allow the SYSTEM user to create a new virtual table definition in our ORA_NW4 schema,
we need to provide the right authorizations to the SYSTEM user.
1. Login to the SAP HANA Web IDE with the ORA_NW4 userid.
2. Switch to the Catalog module.
3. Select Open SQL Console and execute the following statement to grant the required
rights and permissions to the SYSTEM user.
3.1.3 Create Virtual Table
The next step is to create the virtual table in the new schema. Login as SYSTEM user and
1. Open the Provisioning > Remote Sources section in the sidebar.
2. Right-click on the remote source system and select Find Table.
The first time you try the Find Table action, a pop-up window will show that this
action needs a dictionary. Create one by clicking the Create Dictionary button.
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3. Enter SBOOK as a filter to find the table SBOOK in schema SAPSR3.
4. Select the appropriate row and click Create Virtual Table.
5. Enter a name for the virtual table, the schema to store the table and confirm with the
OK button.
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The virtual table SBOOK has been created in our ORA_NW4 schema. To check the content of
the table, we sign-out of the SAP HANA Web IDE and will continue with the ORA_NW4
3.1.4 Check Virtual Table Definition and Content
1. Login the SAP HANA Web IDE with the ORA_NW4 user.
2. Switch to the Catalog module.
3. On the navigation sidebar, open Catalog > ORA_NW4 > Tables and click on the
virtual table SBOOK.
This shows a new tab with the table structure of the remote table.
4. Click on the Open Content button to get a list with content of the first 1000 rows of
the remote database table.
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In the next step, we modify the table content in the source system. We login to the SAP
NetWeaver application server of the source system, create a new customer using the ABAP
report SAPBC_GLOBAL_SCUSTOM_CREATE and then book a flight for this customer.
Use transaction se38 to execute this report and fill in some sample data.
After clicking the Save icon, a new customer record is created and a confirmation message
displays the new customer number, in our case 4688.
Now we excute ABAP report SAPBC_GLOBAL_SBOOK_CREATE to book a flight for our
new customer. We enter some flight information, the customer number, a travel agency
number and click the Save icon. The system message confirms the creation of this booking
record with booking number 20070.
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Back in the SAP HANA Web IDE, right click on the table name in the sidebar and select the
Generate Select action. This will generate a select statement to retrieve the first 1000 rows of
the SBOOK table. We modify the statement to select only a subset of the available columns
and add a where clause to retrieve the records for customer number 4688 only. Execute the
statement and it retrieves the data of our previously created booking.
You can scroll to the right to see the remaining colums or right-click on a row and select the
Details… action to display the selected record data in a pop-up window.
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Now we go back to our SAP NetWeaver NW4 system and modify the booking by executing
Specify the airline and booking number on the first screen and click Change to get to the
Changing SBOOK records screen.
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Only a limited set of data can be modified on that screen, so we just change the Luggage
Weight from 33 pounds to 44 pounds and click the Save icon.
Back in the SAP HANA Web IDE, we can re-run our query, open the Details… window again
and we see the newly changed value of 44 pounds in the Luggage Weight column.
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3.1.5 Create a Virtual Table using SQL Statements
You can also execute a SQL statement to create a virtual table. The syntax is:
CREATE VIRTUAL TABLE <table_name> <remote_location_clause> <remote_property_clause>
<remote_location_clause> ::=
AT <source_name>.[<db_name>.<owner>].<identifier>
<source_name> ::= <identifier>
<db_name> ::= <identifier>
<owner> ::= <identifier>
(See also SAP Note 2460723 - How to create Virtual Table based on Remote Source that uses
SDI Adapter in SAP HANA via SQL? or the SAP HANA Administration Guide for details)
The following command creates another virtual table called VT_SBOOK in our ORA_NW4
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3.2 Secondary DB Connection Direct Scenario
3.2.1 Secondary Database Connection ABAP Coding Options
As a prerequisite, the database system for the secondary connection needs to be supported on
the SAP NetWeaver application server (SAP NetWeaver AS ABAP). The shared database
library for the SAP kernel and the database client must be available for the used OS/DB
platform combination.
Different types of SQL can be used for database access within the ABAP programming
Open SQL
Native SQL specific statements between EXEC SQL and ENDEXEC
Native SQL ABAP Database Connectivity classes (ADBC)
Open SQL provides a uniform syntax and semantics for all database systems supported for
SAP NetWeaver AS ABAP. ABAP programs that use Open SQL statements for database
access are portable and will work in any SAP NetWeaver AS ABAP system independent of
its primary database system. Open SQL statements require that all database tables accessed in
the ABAP code are reflected in the ABAP data dictionary. By default, the Open SQL
statements access the primary database of the SAP NetWeaver AS ABAP. The additional
CONNECTION clause forces the Open SQL statement to be executed against a database
connection different to the primary database. The advantage of this approach is simplicity:
With minor additions to existing statements the operation is directed to a secondary database.
The downside is that the table or view must exist in the ABAP Data Dictionary.
Native SQL allows to use database-specific SQL statements directly in an ABAP program.
The database tables need not to be administered in the ABAP dictionary. The database-
specific SQL statements are handled by the native SQL interface of the database interface.
The database-specific statements are specified statically between the statements EXEC SQL
and ENDEXEC. Typically, compared to the Open SQL option, more code is required and the
code is a little less elegant. There are little to no syntax checks on the SQL statements created:
errors are not caught until runtime and can lead to short dumps if exceptions are not properly
handled. So, extensive testing is essential. Advantage is that database specific features can be
used directly, and that the tables need not to be defined within the ABAP data dictionary.
Native SQL ADBC classes provide the benefits of the Native SQL connection via EXEC
SQL and improve on some of the limitations. The concept of ABAP Database Connectivity is
a series of predefined classes (CL_SQL*) which simplify and abstract the EXEC SQL blocks.
Most important advantage of ADBC for SAP HANA is that ADBC allows to access non-data
dictionary artifacts including SAP HANA stored procedures. The ABAP Managed Database
Procedures (AMDP) manage database procedures and database functions implemented in
native SQL.
Usage of Open SQL should be the preferred choice in case the table is known in the ABAP
data dictionary. Open SQL is optimized for communication with the database: using native
SQL or ADBC when this is not required might impact performance because of additional
overhead (like connection, constructor calls, statement class, query etc). Definition in the
ABAP data dictionary needs to be consistent with the table structure in the secondary
database for all the fields. In case that the table is not in the ABAP data dictionary and given
the advantages of ADBC over EXEC SQL, the recommendation is to develop custom code for
secondary DB connections via Native SQL with the ADBC class based interface.
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3.2.2 Prepare Secondary DB Connection on the SAP Application Server
Install Oracle Instantclient
Download the Oracle Instantclient for AIX from the SAP Software Download Center. Then
create a new directory for the Oracle client and extract the downloaded SAR archive:
mkdir -p /oracle/client/12x
cd /oracle/client/12x
/usr/sap/hostctrl/exe/SAPCAR -xvf /tmp/OCL_AIX_PPC64/OCL12164.SAR
Install DBSL Library to SAP Kernel
The database dependent part of the SAP database interface is a library which is linked
dynamically to the SAP kernel. This database library contains the Database Shared Library
(DBSL) and libraries belonging to the corresponding database manufacturers. A workprocess
of the SAP application server can include connections to several different databases based on
this architecture. The SAP kernel searches for the libraries in specific directories indicated by
environment variable DIR_LIBRARY. For the secondary DB connection, the Oracle libraries
need to be added.
The database libraries are available in the SAP Service Marketplace in the SAR archives
LIB_DBSL<xxx>.SAR, in the patch directories of the SAP Kernel. Download the SAP
archive for the Oracle DBSL Library, and extract it to the SAP Kernel directory:
Logon as the administration user of the AS ABAP <sid>adm and extract the archive:
> cdexe
> pwd
./SAPCAR -xvf /tmp/lib_dbsl_425-70001630.sar
The library gets extracted.
Adapt the environment for user <sid>adm in the files used for sourcing the environment
variables. Edit the .sapenv_<hostname>.csh file to adapt the LIBPATH and add the
NLS_LANG variable.
> grep NLS_LANG .sapenv_ph04as2.csh
LIBPATH /oracle/client/12x/instantclient
> grep LIBPATH .sapenv_ph04as2.csh
The Oracle client requires that the I/O Completion Ports are enabled in the AIX Kernel.
Logon as user root and enable the I/O completion ports:
mkdev -l iocp0
(See also
symbol-createiocompletionport-was-referenced/ ).
Afterwards, restart the SAP application server.
3.2.3 Define Secondary DB Connection in the Database Administrator Cockpit
In this step, we login to the SAP application server running on AIX via SAP Gui and define a
secondary database connection to the Oracle database server.
Use transaction dbacockpit to open the Database Administrator Cockpit.
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1. Click on the DB Connection button and then the Add button.
2. Enter the required connection parameters and click the Save icon.
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The application server will confirm the creation of the secondary database connection with a
short system message.
Back in ST04 > DB Connections, we can select the new remote database connection and click
the Test button, which will display a message that the connection to the remote database
system was established successfully.
Please note that if we login to our application server ph04as1 running in a Linux on Power
partition, the same test will fail with the following error message:
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This is expected as our Linux on Power application server does not have the required DBSL
library to connect to an Oracle database.
3.2.4 Access Data in ABAP via Secondary Database Connection
To execute Open SQL statements on databases other than the standard SAP database, you
need to add a CONNECTION parameter to the SQL statement. Continuing our example from
section Create Virtual Table, we create a simple ABAP report using transaction se38 to access
data from the SBOOK table in the remote Oracle system.
Please remember the prerequisites explained in chapter 3.2.1, the table structure must exist in
the local ABAP dictionary before it can be used in an Open SQL query to a remote system. In
our environment, this has been accomplished by running the SAPBC_DATA_GENERATOR
report to create the sample flight data model in the local system too.
WRITE: 'Current bookings for customer', id.
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Perform a syntax check, generate, and activate the report.
When executing the report, it will first ask for a customer id. We enter our previously created
customer id 4688 and click the Execute icon.
The report output shows the data that was previously created in the remote Oracle system.
Once again, we can execute this report only on the application server running on our AIX
partition. Trying to execute the same report on the Linux application server will result in an
ABAP short dump. In the Description field of the Error analysis section, we see that the
NetWeaver kernel tries to load a library "/usr/sap/H04/D00/exe/", which isn’t
available on our Linux application server.
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3.3 Secondary DB Connection SAP HANA SDI Scenario
We now want to change the secondary database connection of the previous section to use the
virtual table defined in the HANA database server instead. This has the advantage that the
data can be accessed from any application server. Extra drivers or libraries to access a remote
data source aren’t needed anymore.
The idea is that in a first step, we just redefine the existing Remote Database Connection to
point to the HANA database server instead. This may look like a little detour to access the
data, but has the advantage that existing ABAP reports can be re-used without any code
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The pictures below illustrate the approach:
Table SBOOK of the remote Oracle database is accessed in the SAP AS ABAP via the
secondary database connection ORA_NW4. As the Oracle DBSL and the Oracle database
client is not available on Linux on Power, access works only on the SAP application server
running on AIX.
In the previous section, we’ve created the virtual table SBOOK in a separate schema the
virtual table SBOOK in schema ORA_NW4 corresponds to table SBOOK in schema SAPSR3
on the remote Oracle database. Data access is realized with SAP HANA Smart Data
Integration via the Data Provisioning Agent.
The goal is to redefine the secondary database connection to use the new schema in the local
SAP HANA database:
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Here are the steps to achieve this goal:
1. Login to an application server and execute transaction dbacockpit to open the
Database Administrator Cockpit.
2. Click the DB Connections button to open the Database Connections panel.
3. Select the ORA_NW4 entry and use the Delete button to remove the connection
Unfortunately, a connection cannot be renamed. As we want to re-use the connection
name, we must delete the existing database connection first.
4. Click on the Add button and fill in the connection parameters for the HANA database
The Connection Name should be ORA_NW4 again. We use the same user as in section
SAP SDI Virtual Table Scenario.
5. Click the Save icon to create the new secondary connection to the HANA database
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6. Click the Test button to try the new database connection.
Now we can go back to transaction se38 and execute our existing Z_DISPLAY_BOOKING
report again.
As a reminder, this is the select statement from the report:
We’ve kept the same name (SBOOK) for the virtual table name in our ORA_NW4 schema and
re-used the secondary database connection name, so the above statement can run without any
modifications. We execute the report, fill in our customer id 4688, and get the same output as
Please note in the lower right corner of the screenshot below that we’ve executed the report
on host ph04as1. Changing the secondary database connection to access a virtual table
defined in our HANA database servers now allows us to execute the unmodified report on any
connected application server.
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A big advantage of this solution is that we don’t need a second DBSL library and database
client on the application server anymore. This simplifies the maintenance procedure for AS
ABAP kernel updates. Even though we are using a secondary database connection, all data
accesses (whether to the local database or a remote data source) will use the standard HANA
DBSL layer.
In the previous scenario of using an Oracle client and DBSL, you must check for each SAP
kernel update that the new version is still compatible with the installed database client. In
most cases, this may result in extra work to upgrade the Oracle DBSL library and sometimes
you would need to update the Oracle database client too.
3.4 Secondary DB Connection SAP HANA SDI Native SQL Scenario
As described in chapter 3.2.1, the disadvantage of using Open SQL for accessing tables in a
remote database is that the table name needs to be defined in the local ABAP dictionary.
Native SQL allows us to directly access tables that aren’t known in the local dictionary. The
following report is a re-write of the Z_DISPLAY_BOOKING report using Native SQL. As a
simplification, we are still referring to the local SBOOK dictionary definition by declaring the
id parameter as type SBOOK-CUSTOMID and the local work-area ls_sbook as type SBOOK.
This could be easily changed by adding a complete structure definition for ls_sbook reflecting
the source table structure and changing id to a numeric type.
Please note that the select statement was changed to select * from ora_nw4_sbook. We’ve just
created a second virtual table (connecting to the same source table) in the ORA_NW4 schema
using a table name that isn’t known in the local ABAP dictionary.
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WRITE: 'Current bookings for customer', id.
connect to 'ORA_NW4' as 'ORA_NW4'
open dbcur for select * from ora_nw4_sbook where customid = :id
fetch next dbcur into :ls_sbook
IF sy-subrc NE 0.
/5 'MANDT', 25 ls_sbook-MANDT,
/5 'CARRID', ls_sbook-CARRID UNDER ls_sbook-MANDT,
/5 'CONNID', ls_sbook-CONNID UNDER ls_sbook-MANDT,
/5 'FLDATE', ls_sbook-FLDATE UNDER ls_sbook-MANDT,
/5 'BOOKID', ls_sbook-BOOKID UNDER ls_sbook-MANDT,
/5 'CUSTOMID', ls_sbook-CUSTOMID UNDER ls_sbook-MANDT,
/5 'CUSTTYPE', ls_sbook-CUSTTYPE UNDER ls_sbook-MANDT,
/5 'WUNIT', ls_sbook-WUNIT UNDER ls_sbook-MANDT,
/5 'CLASS', ls_sbook-CLASS UNDER ls_sbook-MANDT,
/5 'LOCCURKEY', ls_sbook-LOCCURKEY UNDER ls_sbook-MANDT,
/5 'ORDER_DATE', ls_sbook-ORDER_DATE UNDER ls_sbook-MANDT,
/5 'AGENYNUM', ls_sbook-AGENCYNUM UNDER ls_sbook-MANDT,
/5 'PASSNAME', ls_sbook-PASSNAME UNDER ls_sbook-MANDT.
close dbcur
disconnect 'ORA_NW4'
The output of this report is basically the same as before. Although, in the meantime we’ve
booked an additional flight for our customer.
Just the same as with the Z_DISPLAY_BOOKING version of the report, we can still use the
same report either connecting to the source Oracle database or connecting via the HANA SDI
virtual table by just changing the secondary DB connection entry in the Database
Administrator Cockpit.
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3.5 Remote Database Access SAP HANA SDI Native SQL Scenario
The idea so far has been to re-use existing ABAP reports with little or no changes. In case the
existing codes is already using Native SQL to access data on a remote system via a secondary
database connection, it can be modified rather easily to forego the secondary database
connection completely.
We can just drop the first and the last EXEC SQL block to eliminate the connect and
disconnect statements. As the ABAP report is running in the ABAP schema (in our case
SAPABAP1) and wants to access data in another schema, we must add the schema name in the
select statement: select * from ora_nw4.ora_nw4_sbook
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The last step is to grant the SAPABAP1 user the privileges to access data in the ORA_NW4
schema, so we login at the SAP HANA Web IDE with the ORA_NW4 userid and execute the
following SQL statement:
The modified ABAP report looks like:
WRITE: 'Current bookings for customer', id.
open dbcur for select * from ora_nw4.ora_nw4_sbook where customid = :id
fetch next dbcur into :ls_sbook
IF sy-subrc NE 0.
/5 'MANDT', 25 ls_sbook-MANDT,
/5 'CARRID', ls_sbook-CARRID UNDER ls_sbook-MANDT,
/5 'CONNID', ls_sbook-CONNID UNDER ls_sbook-MANDT,
/5 'FLDATE', ls_sbook-FLDATE UNDER ls_sbook-MANDT,
/5 'BOOKID', ls_sbook-BOOKID UNDER ls_sbook-MANDT,
/5 'CUSTOMID', ls_sbook-CUSTOMID UNDER ls_sbook-MANDT,
/5 'CUSTTYPE', ls_sbook-CUSTTYPE UNDER ls_sbook-MANDT,
/5 'WUNIT', ls_sbook-WUNIT UNDER ls_sbook-MANDT,
/5 'CLASS', ls_sbook-CLASS UNDER ls_sbook-MANDT,
/5 'LOCCURKEY', ls_sbook-LOCCURKEY UNDER ls_sbook-MANDT,
/5 'ORDER_DATE', ls_sbook-ORDER_DATE UNDER ls_sbook-MANDT,
/5 'AGENYNUM', ls_sbook-AGENCYNUM UNDER ls_sbook-MANDT,
/5 'PASSNAME', ls_sbook-PASSNAME UNDER ls_sbook-MANDT.
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close dbcur
Executing this report generates once more the exact same output as the previous versions
(except that we changed the title to reflect that we don’t use a secondary database connection
After this modification, we can also drop the secondary database connection in the Database
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4 Summary
Before the release of HANA 1.0 SPS 09, SAP recommended to use several different tools to
get data from remote data sources into SAP HANA. Depending on the scenario, you would
use SAP Data Services (SDS), System Landscape Transformation (SLT), Smart Data Access
(SDA), SAP Replication Server (SRS), etc.
With the availability of SAP HANA Smart Data Integration, SAP has substantially simplified
the topic of data loads in SAP HANA. The data provisioning tier is now build natively within
HANA and SDI comes with an open framework and SDK. This enables the build of custom
adapters allowing for the integration of any data source above and beyond the large variety of
data sources that are already supported by adapters delivered with the Data Provisioning
In this whitepaper, we presented a few simple examples for migrating existing remote data
source scenarios to an SDI based solution. Compared to a secondary database connect
solution, SDI eliminates the need to install and maintain additional database client software
and SAP DBSL libraries on the SAP NetWeaver application server. The advantage over a
Smart Data Access (SDA) scenario is that SDI supports more remote data sources and again
eliminates the need to install and maintain external ODBC drivers on the HANA server
Further advantages of SDI compared to SDA are:
Decoupling the remote sources from the SAP HANA indexserver and managing them
via data provisioning server provides additional stability to the SAP HANA system.
Proxy scenarios support additional connectivity options to remote sources in cases
where network connectivity between remote source and SAP HANA system is
These advantages and all the additional functionalities of SDI beyond the data federation
scenarios position SDI as the strategic solution for data exchange with SAP HANA.
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